Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Full Thursday

Today I didn't make it to my every Thursday TOPS meeting. I had answered a post on Freecycle for 150 feet of baseboard being given away and the fellow needed me to go pick it up in Coldstream between 10am and noon on Thursday which is when my TOPS group meets in Armstrong. Once it was on my truck I had to bring it home and unload it. Some of the pieces are so long that I had to open the sliding back window of my truck and put the boards through, resting one end on the dash and the other end still sticking out so far I had to hang a red flag on my 'over length' load. The boards are anywhere from 2 feet long to 15 feet long. Once it was all unloaded I packed up a bunch of baking ingredients for making cookies and headed out for the rest of my day.

I drove to Armstrong for the usual Christmas gift exchange and mini party with 3 of my friends from the TOPS group... Pat, DJ and Pauline. I got there around 2pm and left at 4:30pm off and running to Mom's in Enderby... some days I put a lot of kilometers onto my truck. At Mom's I visited with her as well as made 2 kinds of cookies for giving as gifts to some of my friends this Christmas. Exhausted and in a lot of pain from my back, I left there around 11pm and made the 25 minute drive home again. I thought about stopping to gas up the truck at 2 1/2 cents per liter (1o cents per gallon) cheaper then here, but felt I just couldn't face it, needed to come home and end my day.

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