Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Over at Quintessentially Quilly, the first part of a post Quilly did today said:

I was born with Esophageal atresia. That means that my esophagus came to an end before it reached my stomach. Now days this is an easily correctable birth defect. In 1959, when Dr. Barclay operated on me, no one had ever before survived the procedure. I was the first survivor and I have never forgotten what a miracle and blessing that was.

It really moved me... and I left her a comment:

Quilly, when I was born my lungs wouldn’t open up. I was told the Dr. that delivered me told my parents I wouldn’t make it. Dad had another Dr. brought in & he phoned Vancouver & was told over the phone what to do. It resulted in me having 4 small scars on my chest, and being able to breath & live. I was then put into an incubator for 6 weeks. This had a very adverse effect on my whole life. In 1956, they didn’t yet understand the need to touch the babies in incubators and in fact didn’t allow it. Until I read this post of yours, Quilly, I didn’t realize it… now I do… I am a miracle!!! I thought I was bad luck for my parents, now thanks to you I see it… I AM A MIRACLE!!! Wow!!

This is the reply Quilly wrote back to my comment:

Alice — you are a miracle. My family made certain I knew I was a joy and blessing to them. I am sorry you somehow didn’t receive that message, because I am certain you were joy & blessing to your family, too.

Quilly is a blessing in my life. I am grateful to her for her wonderful words... and I'm most grateful to Dr. Barclay.

Hmmmm, maybe I'll do a speech about this subject one day. :o)


quilly said...

Alice -- I am glad I helped change your paradigm. Live everyday celebrating the miracle of life.

Anonymous said...

Alice this makes me so pleased that you are that miracle. Absolutely wonderful :)

outdoor cat bed said...

Great Work Quilly.IT's shows ur hard work and experience of life.Carry on~!bye

Online Printing Company said...

I was touched by your post.

I think we are all blessings to one another when we were born and as grown ups we should always be a blessing to others.

Thank for the post...it left a smile on my face.