Each week (Thursdays), Quilly gives us three words to write into a story. Oh, they're not just any words, not words you'd hear/see ever day. Nope, these are obscure words, endangered words. Before we can write to these words, we have to find them on the internet so as to find out their meaning so they can be used properly. This week's (Week 20) words are:

Throughout the day, there was an acrasia of ash falling from the sky where clouds of smoke hung over the valley. Later in the afternoon the sun could be seen as a bright pinkish red ball glowing in the sky. There were multiple forest fires in the area, eating up the trees, killing wildlife and even some people's homes. It had been another hot, dry day in the Okanagan. It had been 36°C, though with the smoke in the sky the day seemed dark & cloudy. It had seemed like rain would start to fall at any moment, yet all that fell from the sky was the ash.
AliGail was grateful her home was not in the line of the hungry fires, and for the cool of the evening air as she stood looking out the window at the night. Out there in the murklins were swarms of mosquitoes waiting to attack anything or anyone that dared to stop out of the safety of their homes. She felt sorry for her dog having to be out for awhile before bed, hoping that the dog's hide was thick enough to withstand the onslaught of the biting 'nasties'.
Having had a full day and knowing that 'morning will come early', she knew she must soon head to the comfort of her bed. It was time to do a short meditation, going to her fulfillment center, finding the peace & love of Source Energy so as to take the joyous feelings into her sleep time. Tomorrow was a big day, she would have to be up extra early. Each morning she awakens to the chirping, squacking sounds of the birds in her home... never to oncethmus, rarely to the sound of a screaming alarm, and always to the morning sounds of her beloved birds.

Sending you wishes for a joy filled week.
Excellent story my friend. Good use of the words and very descriptive :)
I am impressed. A whole short story that made sense and was worth reading. I really liked it. Is this going to be an ongoing story or is it just a teaser to your exceptional writing?
Story? Hmm, I thought it a very poetic description of a day in the life of Alice Gail. Am I wrong?
Thom... thanks much. Too much truth in this story though. :o)
Ordinarily Just Me - thank you for the visit and for your wonderful comment & compliments. When I write these things I never know if they will be continued or not, lol. Guess we'll both see soon enough.
Quilly - Oh you are so wise, dear friend. I can't fool you for a moment, can I.
Nice post man. I really enjoy reading your blog.
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