Now, because a picture paints a thousand words, I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to pick an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we’ll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?"
If “language is the dress of thoughts” ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe …
Last week when I was trying to catch up, I thought Q & R had already been done, so was very surprised today when I checked to Jientje's blog to see what letters were being done today and found that Q & R are today's letters. I actually checked the 'post date' twice to be sure, lol. Soooo.... here are my...Q & R
Q is for:
Queer as a $2 bill!
Queer as a $2 bill!
Canada had $2 bills until 1996 when we went to a $2 coin (will refrain from comment on that). I saved a few of the bills, as I did in 1987 when $1 coins replaced those bills (wow, so long ago).
Meaning: Odd, out of the 'norm', different, strange, unusual. (It would now be very odd to see a $2 bill in Canada).
R is for:
Red tape
Red tape

Wishing you all a most wonderful, joy filled week!
These are excellent. Great idioms. I love that two dollar bill. :). aloha
Nice post! Well done.
Very nice findings ! Never saw such a bill ! The Queen still on a Canadian note !
Aloha Thom!! As always, thanks for the visit and your wonderful words. I'm glad I saved a bill or two when they took them out of circulation and gave us more coins to carry. :o)
Jenn - Thanks much.
Gattina - Thanks for popping by. Can't seem to think yet today, but think Q.E. might be on some other bills still... hmmm. She's for sure still on some of our coins.
Sending you all 'vibes' for a joy filled day!!
Now how did I do that? I almost missed yours! It's a good thing I had another new player today, or I would not have seen your post! Shame on me, sorry!
I love them both, and the first one is new to me, I had never heard of it before!
Well done, I love the pictures too! Thanks for playing!!
This is becoming a very bad habit. I'll keep my eyes open next week!
Both your idioms are great. I love that you found red tape!
We returned from Vancouver with about
$120.00 dollars, Canadian. The money is so colorful!
I wanted a picture that illustrated "riding the gravy train", but funnily enough I couldn't find anything...
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