Jientje has started a wonderful photo challenge: "As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language.
Now, because a picture paints a thousand words, I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to pick an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we’ll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?"
If “language is the dress of thoughts” ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe …

I have some major catching up to do here, friends. The last I posted was K & L, that was a few weeks ago.
M & N
M = Middle of the road:
I was on the back of a factory made Harley trike when I took this photo May 31st.

Meaning: Something unadventurous or inoffensive; opting to go neither one way or the other.
N = Nest Egg:These are Peach-face Lovebird eggs. One of my pairs had these and they didn't hatch.
Meaning: Savings, set aside for later use.
O & PO = On Cloud 9:
Meaning: In a state of blissful happiness.
P = A Picture Tells A Thousand Words:A photo I took of a painting an acquaintance painted.
Meaning: A picture tells a story as well as a large amount of descriptive text.
I'm posting this now
and will edit some more into it tomorrow . It's now nearly 2am and I must get to sleep... then take more photos. I will finish catching up next week... I hope :o)
Wonderful idioms. I so enjoyed them and the pictures are great and go with them just perfectly :) Aloha
Good job on these! I was away so I'll have to catch up next week!
Oh my GOD!! I can't believe I almost missed this post. I've been having some computer issues the past three days, AND I'm trying to catch up after the two weeks holliday in France. I'm in over my head, I hope you'll forgive me!
You did so well on these!! Your pictures tell a thousand words indeed, they're lovely and you pictured it real well! Thanks for playing!
Shame the eggs didn't hatch, better luck next time.
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