So.... I had 2 Indian Ringneck Parrots (DW & Paco), 2 budgies (Ellen & Chirp), 4 Peach-face Lovebirds (2 male, 2 female, identical to look at so none have names... or all are named Boid), as well as the dog, cat, rabbit & 4 chinchillas. One day I thought to myself, "Self, I think another cage is needed for the birds. Having Lovebirds in an old commercial chinchilla cage works well in the short term, though not for the long term. Maybe run a 'wanted' post on Freecycle." Well, later that day I checked my emails and found a post from Cheapcycle for a bird cage for sale. It was a great deal and I went for it!! I want to show you some photos, so must be off to my other computer to get them, send to external hard drive, then to this computer... sheeeesh!! This one needs a card reader.
Monday June 29... Okay, so it took awhile. I'm back and uploading pictures for you to see. Did you miss me? (hehehe)
The cage advertised was a powder coated steel cage:
This photo shows a bit better look at the play station on top, and the photo on the internet shows the whole cage quite nicely.
Also included were a lot of parrot toys, perches, cuddle bones, mineral blocks, cage covers, a second cage, and 2 small travel cages. How cool is that!! Oh ya... 2 more birds too. A female Cockatiel and a male Parrotlet. I named the Cockatiel Tiki and the Parrotlet Friday (was amazed that neither of them had a name, they're around a year old). The little fellow is Tiki's Boy Friday, always goes where she is, in fact they both get very upset if they somehow can't find each other after flying around and ending up in different rooms, lol.
This is the other cage, and it is on a stand. This is a great cage, though nothing compared to the fancy one, lol.
This made it 10 birds in my home, so I decided to 'downsize' a bit. I gave the 2 budgies back to Shannon who gave them to me, and put the 4 Lovebirds for sale, though so far no interest. I'm not loving the Lovebirds. The guy they came from told me they are friendly and they aren't at all except to each other, and they are noisier than my parrots by far. Very pretty birds and sounds like if I had one it would be people friendly, but I have 4, not 1. Oh well. Anyway, these 2 new ones are people friendly and they are a joy to have. They both like to ride around on my head and my shoulders, and to take naps with me, etc. Very entertaining!
June 30 - Walked away and took awhile to get back, lol. This may not be the longest post ever but must set a record for the longest time it takes to get the post up.
Here I am doing my best to take photos of Tiki & Friday while they are sitting on me as they often do.
These two little birds are such a treat. They are so people friendly and they even take naps with me some afternoons. A few times, Mewsic came to nap with me when Tiki & Friday were with me on my bed. She just laid down and cuddled with me and didn't bother the birds. Then one day she hopped up on the bed to come see me & Tiki decided she didn't want the cat there. Tiki stood at her very tallest and took a few threatening steps towards the cat who, having learned from DW about birds beeks, decided to leave post haste. Then another day, Mewsic came and was cuddled with me, the birds were on me, and Tiki suddenly marchs over and jumps off me and square onto Mewsic's stomach. That poor cat wasted no time disappearing.
"Hey Mom, whatcha doin?
"Tiki, I'm taking a picture and you just got waaaaay too close to the camera."
"Tiki, I'm taking a picture and you just got waaaaay too close to the camera."
"Hi. I'm Friday and this is Me sitting on Mom's knee while she lays on her bed. I'm a full grown Parrotlet... a full fledged Parrot in a very tiny body, and I have full Parrotude too."
I think it's time for me to hit "Publish Post".
Great photos and glad you are back :)
Wow! You've been busy. Congrats on the new family members. They look great.
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