Saturday, April 11, 2009

*** I Am Grateful ***

Well, I stayed home all day today. Cancelled some plans and just stayed home and took it easy for the day. Didn't accomplish much of anything. Oh well, guess I needed a 'day off'. One thing I did do was move the chicken tractor to a new spot, there were no eggs yesterday or today.

- I am grateful for my chickens and the tractor (portable lodgings)
- I am grateful I won the Wordzzle Dragon Award... especially since it's the last one, at least for some time
- I am grateful for my animals
- I am grateful for the mute button on the remote, and for the off button too. The TV is now off.
- I am grateful I got my clothes washed and ready for tomorrow morning
- I am grateful for friends and family
- I am grateful I brought in a bag of pellets and started the stove
- I am grateful I don't have to heat the house during the days anymore
- I am grateful I'm off to bed early tonight, to read and find a short Inspiration to share in tomorrow's Service
- I am grateful for all that came to read my blog today


DrDeb said...

What a wonderful list of things to be grateful for! I've been studying the major Teachings of the world for more than 20 years, and one key lesson is the importance of simply being grateful for what we have instead of constantly comparing ourselves to other people. Not easy to do when our society constantly tells us we're lacking things, but it looks like you've mastered this lesson -- kudos!

Anonymous said...

You know every once in a while it's just good to take some time for yourself. Wonderful grateful list as usual :)