Tuesday, April 28, 2009

>>> I Am Grateful <<<

Hi All. I've been so tired and so busy that I haven't had a chance to blog for several days, so I have lots of catching up to do. I've missed hearing from all of you.

Saturday I was so tired that I had a ringing/buzzing in my head most of the day and just could not stand the light of the computer monitor or think straight enough to blog. I spent part of the day sleeping and don't really remember just now what else I did.

Sunday I went to the Service at the Centre for Spiritual Living, as always. Right after that, we had our monthly Board Meeting and man was that long. It was about 3 1/2 hours long, in fact. We accomplished a lot in that time, and I was still very happy to see it come to an end. By that time I had a headache. I had left Reba home, knowing it would be a long day for her to be in the truck, so I couldn't take her for a walk. Instead, I met friend Wendy for tea and a nice visit, then came home. By this time I could hardly keep my eyes open, though it was only around 5:30 or 6pm. I wouldn't let my self go to bed at that hour or I'd be up in a couple hours and for all night. I don't know how, I somehow managed to stay up way too late again.... I installed MahJongg (bought it a month or two ago and still hadn't used it) on my new laptop, and got into playing it, so went to bed around 2 or 3am, and had to get up early. Oh ya, got a call from one neighbor about my rooster. They are not happy about him waking them at 5am each day. For several years I had chickens and always had a rooster and never did that bother any of my neighbors, including this one, yet for some reason they are hearing this one every morning, 'as if he's right in our bedroom'. I've been keeping them in a chicken tractor (portable house/run) so guess he comes out each morning a crows his head off, and there's nothing to stop the noise. The old ones were in a shed with another shed between them & the neighbor's house. Now I have to take them out at night, once they're asleep, (they being the 1 rooster & 1 hen) and move them into the shed, in an old rabbit cage, then out again in the morning. This will work until I get something else set up. I hope that helps with the neighbors sleep.

Up at 7am Monday morning to get ready to go out (I have never been a morning person). I had another appointment at the Diabetic Clinic that took all morning, then I sat in my truck awhile, resting. I was too tired to do anything else just then, not sure if I slept, though think I did nod off for a wee bit. Next I went to London Drugs to take care of some business there. I had planned to walk Reba before going to the pool, though ran out of time for that. I grabbed a much needed sandwich as my blood sugar dropped too low, then went to the pool and took my first Aqua Therapy class, 45 minutes doing exercises in the water. It was wonderful, then I went and soaked awhile in the hot tub, visiting an old friend that happened to be there too. I would have taken Reba for her walk then except it was raining, not heavy though heavy enough I didn't want to go walking in it. I went and picked up a couple groceries I needed and headed home. Played more MahJongg and watched TV.

Today I had planned to go to Aqua Therapy again... and didn't get there. The fellow who traded me 2 lovebirds for some old rabbit & chinchilla cages I had came back today with 2 more lovebirds and took away more cages. I still have a few left, though not many now. The cage I have the first 2 lovebirds in is a budgie cage and I don't feel it is large enough to house 4 birds in it (lovebirds are just a little larger than budgies), and I didn't have any more bird cages, so I brought in one of the chinchilla cages I had saved. I'd figured I would need it for just this purpose, so didn't let him take every last one. I had to do some 'reno' work on the cage, putting wire over a hole cut in the cage for a food dispenser that is not used for birds. I also had to put purches in, and dig out feed/water cups to use for them. Once the cage was ready I put them in. Then is when all 'heaven' broke loose. The two pairs of lovebirds started 'talking' at top volume, and Paco the Ringneck Parrot chimed in, attempting to drown the others out. It got incredibly LOUD in here, to where I couldn't stand it. Finally I covered the cage with the new loves in it and things quieted down considerably. Then I laid down awhile to let the new headache go away, and read about setting the time on my new blood glucose tester (now have 2, 1 for at home, 1 for in my purse). Then I cleaned 2 of the chinchilla cages and got ready to leave. This evening was spent at Toastmasters. I did the 'mini ed', supplied the snack, evaluated a speech, and gave the closing thought. A great meeting. Then I had a bit of a visit with friend Pat before coming home to write to all of you.

The speech I evaluated was fabulous. It was based on a book by Lynn Grabhorn, "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: the astonishing power of feelings. Basically about the Law Of Attraction, something I've been studying for some time now, it was a great speech and sounds like a wonderful book. Paul loaned it to me, so I am soon headed to bed to read. I have a few other books stacked up waiting for me to read them, and they will have to wait as I own them and don't own this one.

~ I am grateful I am feeling much more rested now.
~ I am grateful for all I learned from putting on Pasta Productions again, and for going over it in the board meeting. There were only a few small suggestions for improvements, and none of the big critisisms that there were last time.
~ I am grateful for things I have learned in the Diabetic Clinic classes.
~ I am grateful I am healthy.
~ I am grateful for the Aqua Therapy classes I am blessed to go to for free.
~ I am grateful that I am being more physically active these days, and feeling good because of it.
~ I am grateful Smudge (chinchilla) is still in his cage even though I accidentally left the cage door open when I cleaned the cage earlier.
~ I am grateful I got 2 chin cages cleaned today. If you count the 'new bird cage' that makes 3 clean cages... and 7 cages to go. (I must be insane!)
~ I am grateful for the pellets I still am burning each night to warm the house.
~ I am grateful I already have people wanting to do things for the next Pasta Productions, and coming up with great ideas for future ones.
~ I am grateful for my rooster & hen, as well as the eggs I get (unless they beat me to it and eat it themselves as I discovered they've been doing some days).
~ I am grateful for hydro. Without hydro I don't know how we'd live now that we are so dependant on it. The TV, pellet stove/furnace, lights, computer, fridge, freezer, stove, water heater, clock, radio, phones, kettle, water dispenser... on and on and on.
~ I am grateful I had some extra bird dishes.
~ I am grateful I kept a few cages and can use them for birds.
~ I am grateful I used to raise and show rabbits. It was a great experience.
~ I am grateful for my new laptop, and that it is smaller, lighter, easier to carry along.



Anonymous said...

OH Alice...I noticed the break and missed this list ya know...You were certainly busy :) Aloha my friend

quilly said...

I am glad to hear you are well. Now get some rest or you won't stay that way!

Dawn - My Chicken Tractor Article said...

I love the pictures of all your pets. When I was younger, I had a pet budgie named Sam. He talked up a storm and was always full of kisses. I have been trying to talk my husband into letting me get another one, but for some reason, he's a bit scared of pet birds.

I would also like to get a couple of hens for our backyard. I have been looking into building a chicken tractor. I have been doing a bit of research, but then again, my biggest obstacle is still my husband. We will see...