Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Am Grateful

Today I pretty much took the day off from my life. Having stayed up most of the night, I slept late, then Dan came knocking at the door and got me out of bed. He visited for awhile, then went into town and picked up a bag of food for Reba. I had planned to get it yesterday, but was too tied up to get to the store for it, so he was good enough to pick it up for me today.

I introduced DW & Paco, took lots of photos of them, especially him, and kept an eye on them to make sure there were no problems. DW chased him a few times, ready to bite and do battle, and he ran, haha. Even flew over onto me walked right up onto my shoulder where he rode for some time. I took him into the kitchen and got him some apple, fed it to him bit by bit while he sat on me. He sure is a beautiful and friendly bird. I'm already totally in love with him, even if DW isn't.

I had a nap, talked on the phone, watched a bit of TV, blogged a bunch, drank copious amounts of Tim Horton's Blueberry White Tea (bought a box the other day and can't leave it alone). Also cleaned the loom room floor a bit, where Dan will be working tomorrow, laying down another bit of laminate flooring.

I really didn't accomplish much of anything, but it was still a pretty good day.

- I am grateful for the comfort of my home
- I am grateful for the animals that share my life
- I am grateful for my computer
- I am grateful I can take a day off from life when I want/need to do so
- I am grateful for my new laminate floors
- I am grateful for the great books I am reading
- I am grateful to always have enough to eat
- I am grateful for my digital cameras
- I am grateful for each and every person that comes to visit my blog


Nessa said...

Isn't it great to take a day and just do only what we really feel like doing?

Dr.John said...

So I can conclude it was not love at first sight for the birds.