Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I Am Grateful

February 2nd been a long day today.

First thing this morning (well, first thing for me, maybe late for others) I went for blood tests. I get to see my Dr. on Wednesday to get the results on these and the ones he had me take last week.

Then I had some time before taking Reba to the vet, so I went for lunch at Tim Horton's and read the chapter in my book that I'm working on for "Spiritual Fitness" class. (Now to do the rest of the work.) I also ran a couple other quick errands.

I was at the vet's office with Reba (She will tell you about it on her own blog.) from 2:45pm until well after 5pm, and we still don't know what is wrong, just that she definitely ill.

Went to Wal Mart to get hay for the chinchillas & rabbit, got a couple bits of groceries for me to. While there, met up with a friend I haven't seen in way too long, so really enjoyed a visit with her. As we left the store, there was a scuffle going on in the parking lot. Several people were in a crowd around some guys that were (apparently) fighting. I didn't have my cell on me, it was in my truck, or I likely would have called the police because it looked for all the world like a fight and like some guy was getting ruffed up by 2 or more others while a crowd watched. He was laying on the ground and some guy was yelling at him to stay down, etc. Finally someone says "Someone call the police", and one of the guys involved yells "I am the police", and this just after CJ had said she thought the guy one the ground was cuffed. Sure enough, they eventually pulled him up onto his feet and dragged him inside Wal Mart, apparently 'back' inside, with him yelling lots of 'expletives'. Ever wonder how many times you can use the 'F' word in one sentence? LOL. The excitement for the day.

On returning home, I've watched some TV, and blogged of course as you can see, as well as phoned Mom as I knew she'd be wanting to hear from me as she knew I was going for blood tests. I was in too much pain to do any house work, so laid down for a bit to watch the TV, then back up to blog. I'm so tired now that I must finish this asap and get to sleep.

I am grateful for Reba in my life
I am grateful for the kindness and care shown to Reba and myself at the vet today. This is the first time I've gone to this one and will go there again if/when I need a vet again (I pray not again for a long time)
I am grateful for DW who sat on my shoulder and kept me company tonight as I was online paying bills... it made it much easier to not be alone during that stressful time.
I am grateful for each moment spent with my 'babies'
I am grateful the vet even gave me some Dental Chews and Dental Treats to bring home to Reba. I thought that a very nice touch.
I am grateful my truck made it out of my yard and back up the driveway again with all the heavy, wet snow we got here.
I am grateful for food for myself and for my animals.
I am grateful I'm not fasting tonight like I was last night
I am grateful I will soon know what is wrong with my health this last while that is causing me so much extra pain.
I am grateful for modern technology

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