Saturday, February 21, 2009


EDIT:I had a nap today and woke up a little more sane, lol. I am going to put this challenge on the back burner. If you think it would be interesting and would like to play it, let me know and I will start it in the not too distant future.... though for now I just have too much on my plate already. Maybe once the class I'm taking is over, and the floor installation (with all the rearranging of my house) is done I will revisit the idea of this challenge.

Word Verification Challenge


I don’t know if this is a sign I’m going crazy, or just another sign that I am a writer, but as I leave comments on peoples blogs, I often run into the Word Verification and find myself seeing words in the letters, or thinking how new words could be created by these letters. So I’ve decided to set a new challenge for all my fellow writers in the Blogesphere. Each Saturday night (Sunday Morning) at 12:00am Pacific Time (my time – see the clock in my sidebar) I will post my writing and the words for the following week. You come to let me know you’re playing, and leave your URL. I’ll edit into the post as we go along to show who is playing that day, like Quilly is doing on Three Word Thursday. If you want to play, but for any reason can’t do so on that day, write it ahead of time & set it to auto post at the appropriate time, then drop me an email (I'll find out how to put a link in for you to click with my email addy) to let me know and I will add your name and URL to the list once I check to be sure it posted.


Protocol: take the “words” for that week, write a meaning/definition for each including pronunciation preferably (like the dictionary would do), and write a story using those words. Here is a half dozen to start us off with:








See you on Sunday!

EDIT: I just noticed there was no link for comments to this post. It is fixed now and I welcome all comments you might have.

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