Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Quote of the Day - Daily Thought

Now, go feed someone a free bowl of food.
Just click on this button and it will take you to the right place.
It's really simple, and will not cost you a cent.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Great quote we are hear to take care of all.

Coffee is on.

Bonny said...

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. It's almost a basic need in us to show (..and to receive) compassion.
This is so timely at the beginning of another year. Who knows what it will bring??

Gorgeous phot,too.

jams o donnell said...

Absolutely. No one faith or philosophy has a monopoly on compassion.

Anonymous said...

Most people believe themselves to be compassionate. I was one of them. It was only by having a life-threatening illness that I learned what compassion truly is and how few people really know how to practice it.