Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ABC Wednesday

ImageChef Sketchpad - ImageChef.com
Since this is the first day, the first letter of the alphabet on Round 4 of ABC Wednesday, I decided to jump right in and enjoy the fun. This is my first time playing, so I figure it's a good idea to introduce myself, and let you know a wee bit about me... so here goes.

A is for Alice!!
That's me. In this photo, taken in August of 2003, I am sitting on my Uncle Johnny's lawn (he passed away in January 2004, so I'm very happy I was able to make the trip to visit that summer. We didn't know then that he was sick.) I am spinning wool, in case you're wondering.

A is for Alice again.
In 2004 I needed a photo of me for something, so set the camera up on tripod and took some self portraits. This is the only one I have, think I lost the rest in a computer crash, and this was cropped to get rid of background stuff.
A, this time, is for Alice's kitchen floor.
I took this photo the other day. Which flooring would you prefer??
More laminate is down now, with only 25" left to do and the kitchen will be finished. That will make 2 rooms done and 2 to go.

A Happy Day to All!!


Unknown said...

I love the laminate flooring! I like the old pattern also. It is retro which is very in right now. How fun to have a name that begins with A. Were you always at the front of the line in school?

Carolina said...

Nice to meet you Alice! Just posted my first ABC entry too. Oh...and I prefer the laminate flooring. Phew, that must be a great relief. Otherwise you had to take it all up again ;-)

Reader Wil said...

Hi Alice, great self-portaits! I never succeed in taking my own picture, besides I never like my photos.

Carol said...

Hi Alice...great post and a great -A-...love the spinning photo...and we also just switched to laminate...enjoyed reading your blog...

Rose said...

Glad you joined in on ABC Wednesday, Alice, and what perfect timing to introduce yourself as an "A"! I like your new flooring--sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Alice! I came in halfway through round three of ABC Wednesday, so this is my first time through the beginning of the alphabet!

So, do you ride Western? We began to learn in March last year - I had ridden quite a lot (English style) when I was younger, my husband hadn't ridden at all.

ChrissyM said...

Welcome to ABC Wednesday!! So glad you joined us. Great photos and I enjoyed getting to know you better.

Thank you for sharing from the ABC Wednesday team.


Tumblewords: said...

Fun post, Alice!