Saturday, December 20, 2008

A New Poem

It has been a bit of a ruff evening (yes, I know, it's spelled rough, but this is my blog and I can spell it any way I want to here... and tonight I'm just in the mood to break with tradition and with correct spelling). I've had to really work at keeping the ugly arms of depression from wrapping themselves around me and pulling me down into the darkness. I decided to write some treatments. Spiritual Mind Treatments are a very specific type of prayer. Part of the class I just finished taking was to write treatments and submit them to Rev. Dale, the class facilitator, and I am way behind on that, so figured I'd work at catching up with that while praying about my current situation.

First, I wrote a treatment for Peace, Harmony, Joy and Divine Right Action. Here it is:

There is One Life, One Universal Creative Force that I call God. God is all there is, creating out of Itself, expressing Itself through all Its creations. I know that I Am One with this Infinite Oneness, I Am unified with the very Life Force that is All Life, All Creation. I Am one of Gods creations, and all that I Am is God in expression, individualized Divinity. This Infinite Energy that is God, is Omniscience, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Peace, Harmony, Joy and Divine Right Action are aspects of this One, therefore, I know that Peace, Harmony, Joy and Divine Right Action are mine right here and right now. It is with gratitude that I recognize these things in my life, and that I know they are entwined with the very cells of my body and of my life. I embrace the Peace, Harmony, Joy and Divine Right Action and I know that my life, right here and right now, displays that which I embrace, that which I accept as mine. With gratitude in my heart, acknowledging that it is not I, but God that does the work, I release my words into the ethers of the Universal Mind, knowing they are already acted upon and becoming visible in my life now. I know this is done, I know it is so, and so it is.

Then, I wrote another one... in the form of a poem. I remember a while back Rev. Dale challenged me to do this, and now I have. This one is for Abundance, for wealth.

Knowing the Truth

One Life

One Power

One Universal Mind,

Pure Love

All Light

No other can one find.

All Peace

All Knowing

There is no other kind,

Flowing through All

Expressing as Me

Seeing all and never blind.

It is Beauty

It is Joy

Yes, All and more combined.

Rich abundance

Ever flowing

With my life it is entwined.

Ever supplying

All that’s needed

My desires never declined.

I am grateful

I give thanks

All my fears I leave behind.

I release

My words and cares

Send them off to the One Mind.

Knowing wealth

And Abundant Good

Unto me God now does bind.

Alice Price

December 20, 2008

Having written these treatments, and released them into the mind of God, I am now feeling much better than I was. I will win this battle and will keep my head above the darkness and quicksand of depression.

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