Yup, I know they say you can never get your Cherry back, but I did just that today. After waiting most of the day and making several phone calls to the vet where Cherry Chinchilla was staying, I finally got to go get her. The vet would have liked me to leave her there another day, but that would have added about another $50 or so to the bill, and at this point I don't feel that they would be doing anything I can't do for her. The bill was nearly $380, and all they were doing at this point was force feeding her. Apparently there was something wrong with her teeth. They didn't offer any info and I didn't ask much as my mind was on getting her and heading out. I plan to phone tomorrow and ask some more questions.
I had to be at the Toastmaster Christmas Party at 6pm, and knew I would be late, so I phoned Pat, one of the ladies from my Toastmaster (TM) club. The last 4 numbers of her phone number are the same as those of my cell, so that makes it easy to remember where as I don't have a clue what other members numbers are, and Pat is a really cool lady, I like her and we really seem to have a lot in common. However, I digress (again). I called to tell Pat I would be late, and why. I didn't leave the vet hospital until about 5:55pm, but was at the party by, maybe before, 6:30pm, so must say I made VERY good time. Oh ya, my truck's back wheel was frozen again and had to be broken loose again before I could leave the vet's.
I smuggled Cherry Chinchilla into the restaurant where we had our Christmas party. I had her in a small travel cage that I put into a large cloth bag so no one knew what I had with me, and I put it under the table. One of the TM ladies asked me if I had gifts in the bag that I'd like to put under the tree for our gift exchange. I said no, wasn't gifts, and she asked what it was. I told her and she just about flipped. She told me she didn't think that was a very good idea, and I said either I brought her or I didn't come, so I had brought her along. She said nothing else about it. At one point, I took 'the bag' and went to the Ladies Room where I took my baby out and fed her. I have to syringe feed her 6 times a day for the next 7 days, so about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. (I figure we have 24 hours, sleep 8, so are awake 16. Vet said I don't need to get up during the night, just feed during the day. So, 16 hours divided by 6 feedings, makes feeding ever 2 2/3 hours). This will mean taking her with me tomorrow too as I will be away more than that amount of time. This is stressful for poor Cherry to be hauled around, so I am going to seriously consider skipping the last class of the course I've been taking so she can just stay home. I want to take the truck to my mechanic and get him to check that emergency brake or whatever it is that causes my back wheels to keep freezing in place. If I go to town tomorrow I want to do that, then go to the Centre to Class. This week I don't have to do the Sunday Program as this week is a very special service for which we have special programs and Rev. Dale will do those.
Am I babbling? Running on? So much on my mind right now.
Dan came over this morning at 8:30am and got to work on my floors. He got the old carpet ripped out on the first half of the floor and got it all prepped for the new flooring. There were a lot of HUGE staples in the floor holding down the underlay. That is just crazy, you only need small staples, not this kind of over kill, and you don't need this many either. Unfortunately, we didn't have a jig saw to cut holes for the furnace vents. Obviously neither of us thought about those vents, lol. So we couldn't start laying the laminate, but he did play around with it a bit before he left, so laid some that he will take up again tomorrow when he brings his jig saw.
So, that's my day, in a large nut shell :o). Floors, wait for vet to call, call vet, wait, call again (a few times), then go get my Cherry back, then drive to the TM party, then drive home in snow storm. I better go feed Cherry Chinchilla again.
Edit @ 12:30am:
Forgot to tell you, at Toastmasters Christmas Party, there were a few games... and prizes. One was a jar of chocolate candies and you had to guess how many candies were in the jar, and put your guess into a container. Then Ardy took all the guesses and read them. I don't know why, but I wrote down 82, though I had been thinking around 75. Well, as it happens, there were 81 candies in there, so I won a wonderful book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Cheer. I've always loved the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and have about 5 or 6 of the first ones, then there got to be so many different ones that I quit buying them, couldn't keep up. Well, now I have a new one and it's really great. Ardy told me later that the jar of chocolates was to be the prize, then at the last minute, she saw the book laying there,m planned for a prize for another game, and she just felt it was meant for me, so she gave it to me and gave the chocolates to a young girl that had guessed 79, also very close. I am so delighted that she had that feeling and gave the book to me. I leafed through it while there, and found a great, and short, story that I got up and shared with everyone.
There was a nice turnout of people, their spouses, and some of their kids.
Now, with Cherry and all the others fed and cared for, I'm going to bed to read from my new book.
Edit 2 @ 12:40:
We had a gift exchange. I gave a 500gram bar of Belgium Dark Chocolate, as well as a couple other chocolate things. The fellow that got that gift seemed to like it. I got a $10 Tim Card... this is a gift card to be used at Tim Horton's restaurant, a place I frequent. I'll get good use out of that.
1 comment:
LOL @ your title!
I am glad Cherry is home. I can't wait to hear what the doc is planning for her teeth.
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