Sunday, December 14, 2008

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Sunday Meme/Challenge that is all about animals/critters. Each week we post a photo, or photos, of an animal, then link back to the Camera Critters web site. We also go see what others who are taking part have posted.

These shots are some I took yesterday.

Enjoy my beautiful (pre-Christmas) Mewsic!
Click on the photos for larger views.

Mewwy Christmas everyone!!

... and if you check down below, you'll find some of the music that Mewsic and I like to listen to at Christmas time.


Kate said...

The cat looks very content and very sleepy!

Gattina said...

What a cute face she has ! with all these different spots, lol ! A real cosy cat !

Gretchen said...

What a sweet face! Have a wonderful Sunday!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet kitty...naps just like I do... call curled up and cozy!


Misty DawnS said...

Nothing like the holidays to make ya a sleepy kitty. hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Definitely the cat is fully ready for the Christmas. I can feel it in the pics.

Tootie said...

Very cute! My favorite photo is the one of her snuggled up and sleeping with the stuffed toy. :-)

Grammy said...

I see your kitty is as spoiled as my 2 are.