Each week, Mo ( It's A Blog Eat Blog World) gives a word for us to post about in any way we choose. The word this week is colorful.
I find that this time of the year, fall or autumn, whichever you prefer to call this season, is a very colorful time of the year. There are of course all the pumpkins (orange), squashes (various colors, all together in the bin at the produce store), not to mention the many colors of the leaves on the trees, or by now, mostly on the ground. I really do love fall with its cooler temperatures and all it's various colors all about me. If it wasn't for the fact that winter is on its heels and the length of the days is shorter by the minute, it would be a real challenge to decide whether my favorite season is fall or spring. After all, spring is when winter is finally over and there is all that new life everywhere... flowers in beds, animals in fields, longer days. The new flowers are, well, colorful, as is the green of the fresh new grass, and some of the new baby animals can be seen as colorful too. Ahhhh.... I love spring.
This time of year, the colorful is coming to an end, sadly. The leaves are mostly off the trees now, the days are, as mentioned above, ever shorter, especially with the time change we just had. If I had a vote in it, I would vote to stay on Daylight Savings Time all year rather than changing back to Standard Time each fall. However, no matter what ttime we are using, during late fall and winter, we have way, way, way too much gray, and too little to no color. I find it can be a real challenge to get through without going crazy. I really need color in my life. Bright, lively color!! Those days when there is very little light, the sky is overcast with gray clouds, and the ground is absorbing any light and reflection of light, well.... it's really hard to stay 'up', to be in a 'bright' mood. And yet... it is worth the effort it takes when you can walk through a gray day with color in your heart, color in your mind, color in your life.
I like colorful. I like color full.
Here's to color!!
EDIT: I read the comment from Earthlingorgeous, and decided to add some photos of the colorful fall leaves. I took these in October 2006.

We don't have fall here so I've never seen leaves change to those beautiful orange. Great post! Mine is here.
Some beautiful pictures, there. I love autumn, I must admit.
All these photos are gorgeous, but the last one with the glint of light on the water holds special magic for me!
Beautiful shots! You're right. This is a colorful time of year! I love it.
My Colorful Contribution.
I've always loved fall the best and it was one of the reasons I moved back to Connecticut from California. You just don't get seasons out there like we do here.
Great fall pictures! I've got a few of my own over on my post.
Have a great Monday!
I'm with you -- I need color in my life. Happy Monday!
Wonderful fall colors. This is my favorite season of the year.
Thanks for sharing your ‘fall color’ with those of us who are ‘autumn deprived’ here in So Cal and need to experience it vicariously ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
We still have most of our leaves, but the colors are truly brilliant right now. We're guessing that means we're in for a tough winter.
I'm so glad you added the photos! That last one is stunning, the way the light is reflecting off the water.
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