Friday, November 28, 2008

daily GOOD

Day 28

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention... A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.

-- Rachel Naomi Remen --

Inspiration of the Day:
One of the largest oral history projects of its kind, the non-profit, Story Corps, has over the years enabled tens of thousands of everyday people to record the life stories of family and friends, because they believe that everybody's story matters and every life counts. This year, the organization has declared November 28, 2008 the first annual National Day of Listening -- and everyone's invited to participate by starting a simple but powerful new holiday tradition: Set aside one hour today to record a conversation with someone important to you. [ more ]

Be The Change:
Follow StoryCorps's guidelines here to interview someone -- an older relative, a friend, a teacher, or a familiar face from the neighborhood. [ more ]

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