Well, costume ideas must sometimes change quickly. Like, for example, NOW. The other day, planning to go out as "The Black Sheet of the Family", I bought the following:
1 used queen sized sheet $1.49 no taxes
3 packages black die 6.69 after taxes
For a total cost of $8.18
Now, that's not bad for a costume, even once you count in the gas to drive around town to pick up these things, and the extra time out of my day. Not bad at all for a good costume, and all the work involved is to dye the sheet black (cost - hot water, electricity, time), and cut 3 holes (eyes and mouth). I think I would also have added 2 more holes, for hands to go out, as the sheet was rather large. Then of course, to keep the thing in place a string or necklace around the neck... easy.
I followed all the instructions on the dye packs, and all went well. Then, out of my washer came a sheet in a nice shade of gray, with some mottling on it. How in the world can I go out as "The Gray Sheet of the Family"?? It just doesn't work!!!
Options: drive back into town, approx. $5 in gas, to buy another 3??? packages of dye and come home to try again.... or come up with something new, something using what I already have at home. Think, girl, THINK!!

No... this is the one night a year I get to go out as someone other than me.

I have plants all around me, so what if I color my thumb green and go as a plant person.... dress in coveralls, Dad's old ones I still have, and add some gardening tools somehow... hmmm... something along those lines just might work. Sleep on it, some idea will come to me, I'll wake up in the morning knowing what to do.
I woke up this morning and shortly after getting out of bed it all came to me. Dad's old railroad coveralls, acid burned and torn as they are + an old shirt of Dad's that I love to wear around the house, and have patched it many times + cuff and neck thing of yellowish/orangy wool. I know I'll come up with a hat of some kind too and put some of the wool there too, this idea just came to me as I'm typing this to you. I will add some kind of make-up to my face, but not sure just what... maybe just smear some ashes from my pellet stove on my face, hey ya, that'll work. I love the way things come to me when I'm talking or typing like this. I'll still use the gardening tools too, in pockets and such... I'm going as a Scare Crow. That should work. That should somewhat fit my personality too, hahaha.

I'll be a BOOtiful Scare Crow!!!
Now, I have to run. I have to make some kind of cuffs and thing to go around my neck to hold the wool (straw that's much more comfortable than real straw, and less messy). The coveralls and shirt are in the dryer.... I know where my garden tools are... But I must get to work. I have to leave soon to go to town and decorate the Centre too... Much to do at the last minute. Pressure... condition under which I seem to work best.

1 comment:
Cute graphics! Sounds like a LOT of last minute work to me. Good luck ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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