Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quote of the Day, and some thoughts about it.

"Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble."

-- Arabic parable --

To me, this means to let go of attachment to the 'bad' things (forgive) while giving your power of thought to the 'good' things. What we put our attention to grows! What you think about becomes your reality. This we know for sure. So if you hold on to the pain and memories of the 'bad' things that happen to you, those painful, hurtful, unhappy things, then you will actually be creating more of those in your life, preparing the soil for more 'bad' seeds to be planted and grow in your life. Instead of that, write them in the sand so the waves of water &/or the winds of time can remove them from your life forever. Write the 'good' things on a piece of marble so they can remain in your life forever, creating more 'good' in your life's experiences.

Forgiveness is a very powerful and positive tool. I hope you choose to use it. Forgiveness is not saying that what happened was okay, it is just letting go of the emotions. Releasing the pain, letting it wash away so it can no longer hurt you or control you in any way. The person(s) who hurt you don't even need to know you forgive them, it's none of their business unless you feel that you want to tell them. It takes away any power they have over you through your pain. Do you think the person who hurt you cares if you forgive them or not? Of course not. And in fact, they likely have forgotten about it by now. They aren't holding on to the memories and being hurt by them. You are the only one who is being hurt by the memories and the unforgiveness. That person(s) hurt you 'then' and by holding on to it, you are the only one that is choosing to hurt you now. So... let it go, forgive it and release the pain and emotional 'stuff' that's involved.

Write the hurtful things in sand and let them wash/blow away. Write the happy, healthy, joyful things in marble and let them be an important and wonderful part of your life from this day on.


Anonymous said...

heads off to Arabic parable for his nice and really true quote.the author of this site really a wise person,because he or she describe the quote so nicely.

clairesgarden said...

this is a very good post Alice, a reminder of the way we should do things with our lives but very seldom do.

Anonymous said...

Lotus Notes ~ I'm really hoping you meant "hats off..." and not "heads off...", haha. Big difference there. Thank you for your nice comment.

Claire ~ I'm glad you like this post. If we make a clear decision to do this we really can, it becomes a habit that replaces the old habits. However, sadly you are correct that most people don't do it.

I wish you both a wonderful day!

Barb said...

Great quotes. Words I try to live by everyday. BTW, your blog loaded lots faster today!