Thursday, August 21, 2008

Odds & Sods

Here are "Odds & Sods" ... random thoughts and such.

- I went to town this evening. On the way in a woman was walking her dog along the road. Her back was to the traffic and the dog, though on a lead, was wandering out into the flow of traffic. The vehicle in front of me slowed down almost to a stop and just crept slowly past the dog. The dog then went off the road and as I went to pass it came right back out in front of my truck. I honked and the stupid ditz woman pulled it off the road, closer to her. The reason I did this was to try to wake the woman up so she could realize that she was putting her dog in danger by letting it wander out into traffic. I hope it helped.

- I picked up 6 windows, fairly good sized ones, free through Freecycle. I plan to close in my carport this fall and will need windows, lots and lots of windows in it. My kitchen window and front door (half glass) are both in the carport, so I need to keep as much light in there as possible in order to have some light in the house.

- If I had it to do over again, I'd have the carport built somewhere else so it would allow more light into the house.

- My house is a cluttered mess. I need to 'downsize' my 'stuff'. I often think this would be easier if I had a self storage unit. I feel like it would help me to sort stuff out if I could move some elsewhere. Ultimately, I know I just have to get off my butt and do it.

- I was planning to go to my Spiritual Centre this evening and do the Sunday Programs. I was almost there when I realized I didn't have my song book with me, so didn't know what songs we're singing this week. I put the songs into the programs.

- A few weeks ago, I bought myself a metal water bottle, a Klean Kanteen. It was a 27oz. bottle with a screw on lid that was metal inside and plastic outside. After about a week or so the lid fell apart. I was very disappointed. The place I bought it didn't have any more in stock, so I had to wait for them to get more in to exchange it. I went back a week later and they had the new stock in, but the lids are now all plastic. The reason I bought a metal bottle was to get away from the metal, so it makes no sense to me to make the lid plastic. I paid just over $20 with the taxes. I would not have paid that much for it had I known it would end up with a plastic lid. So I got my money back and went to the Health Food place a block or so away. They have some different metal bottles and some the same as the one I'd had. All of them had plastic in the lid... except for one, obviously an 'old' one to still have metal in the lid. So I ended up buying this one that is exactly the same as the one I had (Klean Kanteen) except it holds 40oz instead of the 27oz... and it cost more too. I paid a little over $30 for this one. Oh well, it hopefully will last for many years and has to be more healthy for me than plastic.

- Today I was surfing around, looking at peoples posts for Thursday 13 and Reflections. I was at Carletta's blog and saw she had Sky Watch Friday and Friday's Reflections already posted. At first I thought "wow, she's posted early"... after all, it was only noon on Thursday. Then I went to the Sky Watch Friday website and there were already 99 people linked up. I immediately went onto overload. What time Thursday morning do people start posting for Sky Watch Friday?? Overload caused me to shut down my computer and go do housework.

- I've been thinking about how to make a cover/carry case for my Kanteen. Something that will insulate it while making it easier to carry. Open to ideas here.


Anonymous said...

Alice, you realize a good portion of the world -- like our friends in Europe and Australia -- get to Friday almost a full day ahead of us? We live in the last couple of time zones (I actually live in the last inhabited time zone, and I think you're one time zone [3 hours]ahead of me.) So, people in our part of the world, in order to not be buried in the middle, post Sky Watch early.

I have a few times, but I won't be anymore. I have found that I have no energy right now for attracting tons of new folk to my site. I can barely keep up with the ones I have!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I didn't think like this. Thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

Quilly - Yes, I know that... I think I was likely very close to overload and not smart enough to get out from under this computer... trying to visit too many people, having done a meme each day on top of Reflect This. Sigh... I put myself right in line for that overload and BOOM! Hahaha.

deleted files - Glad you liked it. Have a happy day.