I bought this cute little dragon one day when I went to post a letter. I saw this sitting there on sale for only $4.99 and just couldn't pass it up. At the time I was excited about the upcoming weekend of Dragon Boat Racing. Silly me, sheeeesh! Oh well, perfect for today's theme for both these memes.

Well... FIRST I had to stop in and see this ADORABLE little Ruby! AND DRAGON! Goooooood job!!!! I'm AMAZED!!! I would have had to buy him too, I think!
As for your problem with SOME people not being able to load your blog... well... yea, obviously it IS their computer that has the PROBLEM... but it is YOUR problem because they don't come read your blog and they want to. Now... I'm looking at your sidebar and this is going to make you really REALLY sad... but I think the offender is quite possibly your animated Canadian flag. I don't think that your "awards" were offending. You can put them back if you desire. It's usually animation or java-scripts that do this. What I removed was 2 animated graphics that I had made myself and a few blinkies that other people had given to me. BUT... at the same time I also removed all my drop down blogrolls! (I didn't do that thinking they could be a problem -- it's just that I use Google Reader and didn't feel I needed my dropdowns) But the dropdowns ARE Java-script... so IF removing the animated flag doesn't DO it, you could try getting rid of them. (They all have a home base where you can visit to get to those people... it's CRAZY that all these groups make it a "requirement" that you keep their blog roll ON your computer! A link to them is sufficient advertisement!)
It is FRUSTRATING to find out that friends and family can't visit your blog and you don't know why... I HOPE I was able to HELP! Good luck!
That an adorable red or rather ruby dragon. So cute.
That is one of those magic dragons that bring love to people. It's sort of a cupid dragon.
Oh..cute little dragon and perfect for Ruby Tuesday..
Definitely a magic dragon! So glad you gave her a nice home. Fun post!
Also found Melli's comment about computer glitches quite informative, cause, I've been having problems, too.
This is the cutest little dragon I ever did see! He's adorable and perfect for Ruby Tuesday and Melli's photo challenge! I combined mine, too!
You found the perfect picture !! Dragon and red combined ! I am still looking for a dragon, but apparently here at the English coast there are none besides some human once ! I never had any problem with loading your blog not even here at my friend's with their computer !
No I didn't buy any game, lol !
What a cute little red bugger!
Indeed perfect for Ruby Tuesday!
They are both very cute and the perfect color!
A fun post!
Awww...that is one cutie pie Dragon and a gorgeous shade of Ruby Red!
Happy Ruby Tuesday! And thank you for visiting my blog today. :-)
How clever to kill two birds with one stone :o)
Love that little beaver in your side bar!
Cute dragon - of course I was born on Valentine's Day and the hearts speak to me! Great for both memes.
Melli is right about your java script - I always used to have to save her blog for last because it always shut mine down.
Your blog does take a long time to load if it loads completely. I was here earlier and couldn't get it to load right. I came from the link you left in your comment and while it was faster it was still longer than normal. Hope you have some success.
I love your Ruby Dragon!!
Thank you for visiting my blog and for the nice comment you left. I've been to a few places in Canada and have loved what I've seen!
Great dragon post, cute!!
Alice, a wonderful combination post! A RED dragon for Ruby Tuesday! He's adorable - a Valentine dragon? I think so. I am posting for Melli's Dragon Hunt too... :)
Your dragon is cute, cute! I agree with Melli, scripts slows down page load. I created a blog just for my blogrolls that I use when I need them. Amazing how much faster the blog loads just taking those off.
I just love your little dragon. I'm quite envious in fact... especially since he was such a bargain in his wonderful cuteness. Great Ruby Tuesday post.
That is one of the cutest dragon soft toy I've come across :P
Perfect for Ruby Tuesday and finding dragons :)
Thats one bright red dragon alright! Good Rubie Tuesday to you!! :D
What a cute little guy! Nice choice for red!!
Karen of the MomDot Street Team
Great Ruby Tuesday Red Dragon!!!!
Love the dragon! And better yet...your blog loaded great for me!
I'm sorry you had to remove things from your sidebar though.
I absolutely love your Ruby Dragon. I have a friend who does Dragon Boat racing. I'll bet she'd love one like that as a mascot.
Cute choice!
Thanks for dropping by :-) I can see why you had to take him home, he's got to be one of the cutest Dragons out there! AND a bargain to boot - he must be a lucky dragon :-) Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Two memes for one! Good idea. Cute dragon you brought home!
Hahahhahaa! It's unbelieavable all the red things I've been watching from R. Tuesday, but you were the 1st one to combine 2 memes!
wow, a plush red dragon! it doesn't get cuter than this... i LOVE it :)
Brilliant! One thing I don't have id a soft-toy dragon.
That's the cutest red dragon and perfect for Ruby Tuesday!!
Your dragon is just gorgeous! Cute and adorable! Such personality in that bright face!
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