Monday, August 11, 2008

About A Comment

After being away for 4 days, I am working at catching up with my emails, which include notifications of the comments you leave me here. I had 139 messages in my Inbox when, half asleep last night, I did check things out. Today I got 25 more, and they do continue to come in, in smaller numbers at various times throughout the day.

One of the comments I received was this, on a post made May 10, 2008.
Mister Gibson has left a new comment on your post "The Suspected Is Confirmed!!":

Im not in agreeance with being cruel to animals, even mice, the way i see it is everything has a right to live, i sometimes get mice myself and i just use a humane mousetrap that catches them without hurting them, then you just let them go about a mile away from your house, believe me you will feel better in yourself, im a firm believer that if you do bad things then bad things will happen back to you, if you do good things then good things will happen, give it a try, regards, mick..

As I read the first part, I felt irritated. How dare someone criticize me? It must be some young person that has never lived with a mouse problem. Heck, I've suffered a lot of damage and threat of disease thanks to the dirty darn things! They don't know what it's like!! Let them live in a mouse infested home like I have and then see how they feel about it! Judgments along these lines. I don't remember exact thoughts, but am sure they were something like these examples. Then I continued to read, and realized that this person was maybe not being so critical, maybe just stating his beliefs, saying what he needed to say... and I do respect this. Then he states "im a firm believer that if you do bad things then bad things will happen back to you, if you do good things then good things will happen, give it a try, regards, mick.." Well, I do have to admit that I totally do agree with that belief as I believe it too. I just didn't think of it this way.

So now I remember the 'hell' the mice have put me through in the past verses the belief in what you do comes back to you - multiplied.

Having a mouse infestation in your home is not pleasant, to put it mildly. I had this experience in a home I lived in before, as well as in this home. The filth and smell is horrid. There is feces and urine all over the home, high disease risk, as well as there are many things ruined by the mice chewing them. Mice ruin clothing and other stuff like that to make their nests where they raise more mice, they eat their way into your food, and the pet feeds. This is just a small story of a big problem. I have used the live trap for mice and while it does work somewhat, it is expensive to buy and you need several of them. Letting the mice go a mile or so down the road sounds good, but then they just get into someone else's home and cause problems for those people. Also, if you do this during winter months, I think it more cruel than killing them. If you take the mouse from a warm house and 'set it free' down the road in the cold of winter, that can be very painful for a long time, vs a sudden 'snap!' and it's over.

One fall/winter I had such a bad infestation it was insane! One day I caught well over a dozen mice in my home, and there were a lot more still here.

Finally I got down to on mice in my home... or at least that I knew of. I want to keep it that way!!!

Now, in August, 2008, I few or no mice. Before I left to go on my 4 day holiday, I did see a mouse in the living room, so figure there's at least this one... and likely if there's one there are more. The beginning of another infestation if not handled quickly!! Then I was too busy to deal with it, too busy to find the traps and put them out, so I didn't do it. As I was getting ready to go I talked on the phone to Cyndi. She had a cat she had to get rid of and I had not cat... she drove out here to deliver it, sign. (More about the cat later.) I set up cat litter box, food enough for a month, and water too... then left the cat alone to get used to this house while I was at the Stampede. Do I still have a mouse in my house?? I haven't a clue!! Reba chased the cat when she came in the house last night, so I haven't seen it since but know it's somewhere in the house. I haven't seen the mouse yet, but it could still be hiding in the house somewhere too.

I am hoping the cat caught the mouse!!! This would be Nature in Action!! This way I won't have to work through the conflict of whether to kill mice or not, and how this would affect the Law of Attraction and cause it to work in my life.

Mick, thanks for your comment. I will give this much thought!!


peppylady (Dora) said...

I personal don't mine someone criticize me or even disagreeing with me on my blog.
If everyone thought the same as I do. I wouldn't grow or learn.
But of course there no need to be rude.

This get my goat when some one e-mails you and tells you what is what.
To me that person is hiding and real don't have the nerve to face you face to face.
enough of me being on my soap box.

As for question about your blog loading.
Out here were I live we only have dial up and some days it seem to take longer then other.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Anonymous said...