Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Whooo Hoooo

As you know if you follow my blog, I have been hauling wood pellets home for burning in my stove to keep my home warm this winter. I like to get them at this time of year before they go up in price. I guess if I got them in the fall at the higher price, it would likely balance out as at this time of year the gas prices are always higher than they are after tourist season. However, it's good to have it all purchased and stacked in my carport early each year.

Early this afternoon, I drove to the pellet factory and bought a 4th ton of pellets. I can only carry half a ton at a time in my truck, so they load half, I drive home and stack it in the carport, then drive back and they load the second half so I can also drive home and stack it up. Today, however, I didn't come right home. Once the truck was loaded, I pulled outside their fence and parked the truck. Shortly after that my Mom arrived. I got into her car and drove us to another nearby town on the banks of the Shuswap Lake. We went to Tim Horton's and bought sandwiches, tea & coffee to go. Next we stopped at an outdoor market, rather like a Farmers Market, only no produce or anything like that... just arts & crafts. We thought we'd have a little look around at what was there. I only made it half way down the first side, haha. There was a gal there selling jewelry she'd made with magnets in it. The Hematite is magnetized. They apparently help with all sorts of health issues. I've heard several people before say that magnets have helped them with this and that. Three of the things they apparently help with, that I live with, are Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatique and Arthritis. I sure hope they actually work. I'm going to do some research online about them too. Then Mom and I went to the park by the wharf and ate our dinner while listening to a jazz band playing. A very enjoyable evening. Then back to pick up my truck and each headed to our respective towns and our respective homes.

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