Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Playin' Around

Hello, my friends. Thank you to those who said they'd miss me while I'm away. Much appreciated. I'm starting to feel better. Tonight was my last Science of Mind class for a few weeks, and next Monday we don't have Toastmasters due to the long weekend. However, the following Monday, I am scheduled to give a speech, and haven't yet figured out what it will be, so lots of work to do there.

I just took a 'test' that a cousin of mine sent in an email. My geography is not good, but it's kind of fun to play anyway. This is my standing in the outcome:

Then I played again. Different questions, and a different outcome:

Check it out. You can't be any worse than me... or can you?? haha.

I'll be back to regular blogging very soon, I'm sure. Maybe even tomorrow.

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!