Awhile back, Skittles started her own meme/challenge that she calls Heads or Tails.
This week's theme/prompt is:
TAILS - Tell about your job (Or one you've had)
This week's theme/prompt is:
TAILS - Tell about your job (Or one you've had)
My "job" is living life to the fullest!! Yup, that's right! Okay, so it doesn't pay top dollar, but there are a lot of benefits included.
I am starting to feel like I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I've been so insanely busy. I love being busy, but sometimes it's also really nice to have some calmer times.
I was taking Science Of Mind classes (spiritual psychology, basically) on Tuesday nights for most of the fall and winter. These are now over for at least a short while, not sure when they start again, but as much as I love the classes, I am glad to have the time off). Tomorrow (today) is the 2nd Tuesday of no classes.... sigh.
The Centre, with musician Chris Madsen, put on a show Friday night at the Preforming Arts Centre, so that took up some of my time as I acted in a 2 person skit (and we co-wrote the basics of it, then did it mostly impromptu), and I was one of the backup singers. I really enjoyed it and have gotten a LOT of great feedback, especially on my acting. I'm so happy I took part in this great experience and I look forward to doing more acting (I've acted in one play before that had a 5 night run)... and I'm glad this one is over and the pressure is off, lol.
Tonight I presented a speech at my Toastmasters meeting. It was a project from advanced manual "Speaking To Inform", Project #5: Fact-Finding Report, and was titled Parrot Care. It was a 5-7 minute speech followed by a 2-3 minute question and answer period. I figured that since I had to do research for the speech, I may as well research something I need in my life right now. Having just gotten Taz, a Cockatiel, about a month or so ago, I researched how best to care for Cockatiels. Yesterday a Ringneck Parrot joined my life, so as luck would have it, with some more research, I found that the care of other parrots is much the same as the care of the Cockatiel. (Did you know that the Cockatiel, and even the little Budgie, are parrots? I didn't until I did this research.) The speech was to be as if we were presenting a report to a boss or some other group... so I set it up that the audience was members of the Domestic Bird Rescue Group, and I was presenting them with information for the care of parrots, focusing mostly on nutritional care. I made up 'dummy' reports with info from the internet and handed them out. Had a bag of budgie seed mix and some veggies and fruits as 'props', and did up a list of Fruit, Veggies and other foods good for parrots, and some bad for parrots "to be hung on the wall of the DBRG". I felt I was not properly prepared to give it... and in fact was still making changes to it right up to the time I presented it... and I had barely even rehearsed it. I know I could have done better. However, no one but me knew that I was so unprepared, and I got a really good evaluation on it. It did meet all the requirements set forth in the manual, so that is the important part. (I'm on the schedule to give another speech in 4 weeks, so plan to start on it this week. I really want to do at least one that I am actually prepared and rehearsed for. Will be interesting to see just how good I can be when I don't go in and 'wing it'.)
On top of this, there's the "every day stuff". Volunteer work at my church as well as being a Board of Trustees member, and the Chairman of Membership for the church. Now we are moving to a new location, so by June 15 we have to be in there. There is a LOT of renovation work that needs to be done, and I want to help here as much as possible. (I also want to stay home and vegetate for awhile, haha). I'll go there for at least a while tomorrow and lend a hand.
Also tomorrow I have song rehearsal with our pianist, Hannah. I always love this time. I go to her home and sing like a bird. Learning new songs sometimes is a real challenge, and sometimes is a 'breeze', depending on the song.
With 1 dog, 1 rabbit, 5 chinchillas, 1 budgie bird, 1 cockatiel and now 1 ringneck parrot, there is a lot of work to clean and take care of them. Also, the house and yard. I am way behind on those last two. There is enough work here for me and 5 big strong men... and there's only me.
I've often wondered how other people manage to 'do it all'. Work and live too. I don't think I could fit in a paying job... my life is just too full.
Oh ya.... almost forgot. Tonight at Toastmasters, we had Elections for Club Officers. I am the incoming VP of Membership!!! Also, one of our members said she's starting a Dragon Boat team. I'm going to the tryouts!! I think it would be a total "hoot", though hard work, to be on the team, paddling one of those boats. I'm totally out of shape, but this would go a long ways to getting me back into great shape. I'm not sure if I can do it with my back problems, but know that there is a really good chance that this could help with that too. I wish it was on Wednesday nights instead, but oh well... I'll somehow make it work, and hope that when the Science of Mind classes start again they can somehow be on Wednesday instead of Tuesdays.
And of course, there's blogging. I do this blog and 'help' Reba with her blog too (Mostly while that lazy dog sleeps).
Hey... I just want to do it ALL!! Like I said.... my job is living life to the fullest!!
May Light & Love be with you... always in all ways!!
I really like your job! :)
Do you feel comfortable being in front of so many people? You must be! I think that's wonderful. :)
Interest job you had...
Mine in here Thanks
Oh boy oh boy....I've always dreamed of being a singer...even a backup, color me jealous!!!
Wonderful H o T entry this week. Can you come visit with me now?
"spiritual psychology,"
this sounds so interesting..would be fun to explore more on this.
I have given many speeches and even lead worship services at church and I always go in feeling just a little bit unprepared. In a sermon, it leaves room for God to make "good" really "great". In a speech, it keeps one from sounding canned.
HOWEVER -- one does have to be prepared enough to not sound uninformed or scared spitless! It is a careful balance, but I am certain -- from reading your writing when you say you're pressed for time -- that you were perfectly eloquent!
I think living life to the fullest is a GREAT JOB! More of us should do that job on a daily basis.
Stop by my HOT:
I agree with living life to the fullest. I gave up work 3 years ago and there's still not enough hours in my day.
Life can be busy and I rather have it that way.
My heads or tail is up also
Wow! You live such a full life there wouldn't be any time for a job.
Does your parrot talk?
What is a dragon boat.
Well you raised a few questions for me.
Your ‘opener’ resonates big time with me … echoing my own feelings these days! There’s more to life than money & the things money can buy. How cool! I’ve been thinking about joining a Toastmaster’s Group myself. Congratulations on your new position there. I enjoyed learning more about you from this post. Mine’s at Small Reflections after my Ten on Tuesday post today.
Hugs and blessings,
? Am I losing my mind? Did I comment here this morning?
haha.... nope, Quilly, not loosing your mind. I just didn't get to posting the comments soon enough. Thanks for your visits.
Life is all about good and bad.How cool! I’ve been thinking about joining a Toastmaster’s Group myself.
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