Friday, April 25, 2008

Very GROSS and Upsetting!

WARNING: What is about to follow is very gross and you may not want to read it. I feel I must write it, but that doesn't mean you have to read it. It is part of my life's journey, something for me to understand why it would happen in my life. I believe that we create everything in our lives through the Law of Attraction, so therefor I must have somehow created this. How I created it is for me to figure out and to make sure I never create such horror again.

If you are regulars here at my blog, you know I had a roomer/tenant living here for the winter, you know he left suddenly without telling me he was going, and he took some of my keys as well as owing me money. You will also know that I allowed someone else to move onto my property with his own travel trailer. You also will know that I recently had to have a talk to him about his dog. He was letting his dog run free in the yard after I'd told him not to, due to the dangerous highway I live along. I also had to point out how unhappy I was about having to pick up his dog's feces in my yard. I had also previously told him that he was responsible for picking up after his dog. Well, today I discovered several piles of feces in my yard, just out back of his trailer!! I am SO GROSSED OUT!!! No, it is not dog feces, it is human, complete with toilet paper. It was all I could do to not throw up right there and then.

I am going to take a few days to calm down, and to possibly see if I can lay any charges against him for this. Then I will tell him he is to move off my property. There is no excuse or reason good enough for this.

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...


That's horrible! I hope you can at least get the authorities to help you get the guy off your property. What a terrible thing to have to deal with.

Hang in there!