Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thursday 13 (#16)


The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!


Hi All. Welcome to my take on Thursday 13 this week. I'm going to share with you the titles of 13 songs I like to sing. They are all positive, uplifting songs, some of them have their words changed from the original, to make them more positive and to fit better into my church environment. These are not in any specific order of preference.

1- Let There Be Peace On Earth

2- Sing About Sunshine

3-Hymn Of Promise

4- A Wonderful Day Like Today

5- It's A Most Unusual Day

6- I Think You're Wonderful

7- This Little Light Of Mine

8- Peace Like A River

9- We Are One In The Spirit

10- Magic Penny

11 - Love Is My Decision

12- Blue Skies

13- God In Me Can Do Anything


I wish you all a wonderful, peace filled week.


Juliana RW said...

I know the song but sometimes I don't know/remember the title :D
Maybe one of yours my favorite also, who knows ;)

Will you visit mine Thanks

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I rememeber singingThis in HS Choir Let there be peace on earth and let it begin w/ me --let there be peace on earth-- the peace that was meant to be-- w/ God as my father-- brothers all are we--- let me walk w/ my brother in perfect harmony? How did I do?

Ingrid said...

I probably know some of these songs but I never pay attention to the title or the singer's name !

SandyCarlson said...

"We are one in the Spirit" is one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

:-) All are great songs. I'll have #1 stuck in my head now. I'm already singing it. :-) Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

TeaMouse said...

I like the idea of singing, but my voice won't!

Anonymous said...

All new songs to me. :) Music usually gets my mood up.

Thanks for visiting my taxing TT! I have another one at if you're interested. :)

Anonymous said...

Let Ther Be Peace....always makes me misty-eyed. Great list. Happy Thursday~!

Jane said...

Peace Like a River - one of my favourites! Thanks for visiting my TT the other day. It reached 23 celcius today here in sunny Southwestern Ontario. London, to be exact. A great day to be alive!

Anonymous said...

Great songs to sing to keep a positive attitude and to praise God!

storyteller said...

Thanks for visiting my T-13 at Small Reflections this week. I’m playing ‘catch-up’ because I’ve not had much time for ‘blog visiting’ for a few days. I love your song list … many are favorites of mine too although a few are unfamiliar. I especially like #1, 8, and 13. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend ;--)
Hugs and blessings,