Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thursday 13 (#17)


The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!


13 yard related things on my all too long 'to do' list:

1- Unload twin size water bed frame from my truck and dig out queen size water bed frame from my back shed.
2- Prepare a place in the back yard to set up both these beds.
3- Get good soil and fill both the water beds up with it.
4- Plant Spinach and Rainbow Chard in part of one 'raised bed garden'. Other veggies will be planted when the weather is warmer and more stable.
5- Finish the fence for Reba's dog run on the hill behind the house.
6- Move steps from where they are stored on one side of the house, around to the other side and install them against the concrete retaining wall so Reba can get up to the new 'run' area.
7- Rip out the fence of part of Reba's existing run, and reinstall it over further, making it a lot smaller area down on this level. This will give me more 'usable' area on this level.
8- Move a stack of used red bricks to the back yard where the raised bed gardens will be.
9- Pick up and bring home more used red bricks I'm getting this week, and put them into the back yard too.
10- Clean out the carport (used for storage) so I can back the truck through it. Realizing I'll be moving all the bricks and soil to the back yard, I think this might be a good idea... make it a bit easier in the long run.
11- A few dump runs to get rid of 'stuff ' from the yard, including old fridge and old freezer.
12- Move the travel trailer up onto this level of my yard and park it where the dog and chicken runs will by then have been moved from. (Chicken run already gone). Since I can't get paper work on the trailer and license it for the road, I'll use it as a tack room for my saddles, etc. and there will still be a bed in there in case I get company over the summer.
13- Remove last year's thistles and burdocks, get some Round Up and kill all new thistles and burdocks (I don't like chemicals, but I am giving in as it seems to be the only way to keep up with those nasty weeds that are taking over my place).

This list goes on, but I will stop at 13 before I get any more overwhelmed and just nap instead.


I wish you all a wonderful, peace filled week.


pussreboots said...

Good luck with all your chores. Happy TT.

Ingrid said...

You better eat some of Popeye's spinach before starting these works, lol !

Anonymous said...

I've got a long list here when you finish I could use some help. *wink*

Happy TT!

Travis Cody said...

Now that's a list of chores!