Monday, March 03, 2008

Toastmasters This Evening

Tonight at Toastmasters, I am doing 2 jobs.

1) Grammarian & Ah Counter: As the Grammarian, you give a word for the members and guests to try using for the evening. As Ah Counter, you count every time someone says "ah" or "um" or makes any other grammatical errors. You give the word at the start of the meeting, and at the end you give a report as to how often that word was used, and how many 'ums', 'ahs', etc. were used. The word I've chosen for this evening is:

soporific \sop-uh-RIF-ik; soh-puh-\, adjective:

1. Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep.
2. Of, relating to, or characterized by sleepiness or lethargy.
3. A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

2) My other job is to give the Inspiration. I guess this doesn't really need any explanation, lol. Here's the one I've chosen for this evening:

"The people we are in relationship with are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs, and simultaneously we are mirrors reflecting their beliefs. So relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth... if we look honestly at our relationships we can see so much about how we have created them."

-- Shakti Gawain --

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did it go?