WARNING: The following is a rant, maybe even a rave. I'm upset and pissed off. So read on or not, at your own discretion.
I got a big surprise this morning. I went down to talk to Don, the guy that's been staying in my travel trailer for the last 4 months, and he's gone. All that's left of him is a bag of garbage in the trailer, and a big patch of oil on the ground where he parked his Jeep.
He came here to visit end of November, and said he had to move from where he was living because he was boarding with friends and their landlord said they weren't allowed to have someone there that wasn't on the lease so he had to go. He had been screwed out of his winter job so had no job, no place to live, and no money. He was going to be living in his Jeep with his dog. I had just been given a travel trailer, and it was sitting empty in my yard, so I said he could stay here. So for 4 months he stayed in that trailer, coming to the house to bath, use the toilet, get water for him and his dog, and wash his dishes.
Part of the deal was that he would fix up the trailer and do yard work here. Well folks, sweet tweet got done in the yard, and what did get done in just the last few days was only because I went and woke him up in the afternoons and told him to get his ass out and help me with some stuff. As for fixing the trailer... you guessed it. NADA got done. Not one little thing. I was a sucker. I fell for his promises and his lies. The trailer stinks now too, to top it off, as he sat in there smoking all winter. YUCK!!! Now I'm going to have to wash it all down in there to get rid of that stench.
It's no wonder the guy lost his job. He's so lazy it's incredible. I guess cutting down a few thistles one day, and planting two fence posts the next was just too much for him. When I lived with his brother, years ago, I knew his mother let him sleep while getting Doug to do work that Don should have been doing for her, like one time when we were visiting her and I had to go to the hospital but he couldn't drive me there until he did this job for his mom, while Don slept downstairs and I was in pain, too buggered up to drive myself. Doug had a very low opinion of his little brother. I thought that I'd give him a chance, that it wasn't his fault his mom let him sleep while bugging Doug to do the work. I know my siblings don't think very highly of me, that they really don't know me or who I am and what I do, they just think they do. So I gave Don a change, and I got screwed for it.
He had told me he had things to do in town Wednesday (yesterday) but would be here to help with more on Thursday (today). That was Tuesday he told me that. Well, at some point yesterday he pulled out of here and took all his belongings with him. Just left a bag of garbage behind him inside the trailer. He even took the key to the trailer and the key to my mailbox. He didn't even come by to say "thanks for helping me out when I needed it." or "thanks for saving me from living in my Jeep for the winter". Not even "good-bye" or "F you" or anything else. He just ran away on the sneak. He locked the door to the trailer, so it's not like he forgot about the key on his ring. My clue was that the cable and hydro were both unhooked from the trailer, so then I peeked in the window. I'd never have done that if he hadn't been gone so early in the morning (10:30am and he was never up that early), and the cords hadn't been unhooked. So, when I peeked through the window I saw that all was gone but the bag of garbage.
Right now I am pretty upset. I want my $100 that he owes me, that I need for paying for the hydro he used, and my 2 keys back (trailer key and mail box key). I also feel like I want to find him and break something, but I know that feeling will pass. I don't actually believe in that kind of thing. I'm just feeling like that because I feel hurt and ripped off, taken advantage of, and I want him to hurt too. I was good to him. I gave him and his dog safe place to live that was a lot better than being homeless and living in a vehicle, I fed him dinner from time to time, gave him eggs and such to take 'home' with him to cook, let him come here pretty much every night to visit, drink coffee, and watch TV. I even gave him cable TV in the trailer. And his way of thanking me is to just pick up and sneak off, owning me money and taking my keys. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have every right to be upset. The first thing I would do would be to change the locks on the mailbox and the trailer, maybe even on your house.
It's really too bad that some people are inconsiderate jerks.
bummer. sounds like you met my ex :(
many years ago i had a boyfriend who, i learned later, was a con man. we had more than one heated discussion about the concept of 'sucker'. he maintained that there was one born every minute. i maintained that when someone rips me off because i trusted them, i'm not the one in the wrong. if i invite him back to do it a second time, i don't deserve much sympathy, but trust is a gift freely given, and once given, it's the recipient's job to treat it with the value it deserves. we all SHOULD be trustworthy, and i continue to believe it's not unreasonable to expect that of others.
so give yourself a hug and do something really nice for yourself, and try to accept that HE messed up, not you. and that you didn't deserve that, but you can't change him, so you have to let it go.
This sounds cool.Thanks for the post.
LOL........ U must know ur ex... very much "flower girl"...
Nothing I will say will make up for what he did, but I feel for you, I guess we've all been ripped off at sometime or another when trying to help.
I had a thought on the trailer. Can you take the lock off with a screw driver and buy a second hand one at a car/trailer wreckers.
What a jerk he is...
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