Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Writing Group - again :o)

There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder. -- Brian Aldiss --

Both kinds are indeed very interesting. What kind of writer would you rather be?

I would rather be the kind of writer that makes you think. Why? Because I believe that too few people truly think, or at least control what they are thinking. People tend to just let their minds, their thoughts run wild in any direction it wants too, with no guidance at all. So, what's wrong with this, you might be wondering. Thoughts are creative. What you think about, you bring about. Yes, that is the truth, the facts, and when you add emotion (feelings) to the thoughts, you add even more creative power to them. The Law of Attraction is at work everywhere, all the time, whether you believe in it or not. What you believe, what you think about, attracts to you the experience that matches those beliefs/thoughts. Wondering is a passive type of thought, rather than an active type of thought, and I would rather my words cause people to actively think, and to learn the importance of positive thinking, and positive results.


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