Monday, January 14, 2008

Life Improvements

The last few days have been very busy for me, and very good. Friday was spent partly at home, then I went into town to fun a couple errands and go to the Centre (Okanagan Centre for Positive Living) where I worked on the Sunday Program and watched a movie. I had planned to do the program to completion, but realized I'd left my song book at home, and didn't know for sure which congregational songs we were singing, so had to leave it until Saturday. Movie Night this week presented "What's Bugging Seth", a really great movie about a young deaf man trying to start his own business and having problems in his love life. In the afternoon I'd put a pot of beans on to soak, so when I got home, shortly before 10pm, I cooked them up, made a big pot of 18 Bean Soup.

Saturday Rev. Dale facilitated an all day workshop an Goal Setting. It was fantastic and very inspiring. I got a lot out of it and have to keep working on this as the workshop is the beginning... not the all in all. After then workshop, I completed the program for Sunday's service, then headed home. I was pretty tired and all evening I looked forward to bedtime. I even 'kicked Don out' haha, early so I could get an earlier night. However, I couldn't sleep. I had insomnia, so only caught a few short naps all night, and even they weren't good sleep.

It was hard to get up Sunday, though the shower helped a bit to wake me up. Back to the Centre again, warming up my voice in the truck as I drove. Practice the songs we'd sing, join in 15 minute meditation, the service over which I presided as well as lead the congregational songs. After the service was our monthly Pot Luck Lunch to which I contributed my 18 Bean Soup I made on Friday night. I drove back home afterwards, and phoned a fellow who was giving me some used red bricks through Freecycle. Yes, he was home, so it was set for me to go pick them up. I went down to the travel trailer and asked Don if he'd help me go get the bricks, he said yes, so as soon as his little Angel dog had her lunch we headed out in my truck. I sure am glad I took Don along as I could not have done it all by myself. The bricks we largely under snow and ice, so had to be dug out and broken apart without breaking the bricks themselves. The guy's parents were visiting and their car was in the driveway, so we couldn't back the truck up to where the bricks were, but had to carry them from the back yard out to the road. He also gave me some wood that will make good shelves for in the chinchilla cages. When we had 183 whole bricks and a bunch of broken bricks or half bricks loaded, his parents came out and got into their car. 'Dad' rolled down his power window as I was loading the last arm full of bricks and asked me to move my truck so he could get out. I said we were almost finished, I just needed a couple more minutes, then would move the truck. He said "2 minutes then. I'll be timing you." I won't tell you what I was thinking at the time as my back was killing me from all that work and I was feeling that they guy could have moved his car to help us out an hour or so earlier... but Don & I loaded the wood pieces (cut up door frame), I thanked Dennis for all the bricks and wood, and then we got in the truck and left. Don wanted coffee, so we stopped at A&W. I told him if he bought me a tea I'd feed him supper, which I planned to do anyway, haha. So we sat at A&W reading newspapers as we drank, then came home. After a dinner of more 18 Bean Soup and bread, Don went out to walk Angel again, he does this several times a day. When he came back I was asleep sitting here with the TV on and the computer on my lap. I'm glad I got woken up as there was a movie I wanted to see (Comanche Moon), and I'd missed the first half hour of it. Don had a bath, then left early so I could get to bed. I watched the last 15 minutes of the movie (to be continued Tuesday when I'm in class, so will have to tape it), I fed the critters and went to bed. I read a bit then out when the light, and me, by 12:30am. Early for me.

Now today I have a big "To Do List":

- Unload bricks from truck
- Phone Sharon G @ NOYFSS
- Check fluids in truck
- Power Of Decision Homework, especially Treasure Map
- Goals: do more work on what was started on Saturday.
- Read manuals to prepare for Toastmasters (tonight's meeting I am Table Topics Master and Evaluator #3)

At this point, I don't see me getting this all done, but will do my best. So in that vein, I must say 'bye for now' and get to doing the above listed things. Blogging, especially for money, is always on my 'To Do List', even when not actually listed, haha. Is it any wonder my house is a mess? There just isn't enough time in a day.

With all the Spiritual, mental, and physical things happening to improve my life, I also think about doing home improvements. If you are doing, or thinking about, home improvements, check out this website.

1 comment:

The Ramblin Irishman said...

I guess I don't understand what you women do with your spare time. Good grief did you really need that much sleep? You realize men put in that much work just before breakfast and then really start the day.:):) Your blog made me tired so now I have to go and take a nap.