Monday, October 08, 2007

Dancing With and Without Stars

Monday evenings are now my Toastmaster night, but tonight there is no Toastmaster meeting due to it being Thanksgiving day. This means I get to watch Dancing With The Stars tonight. I am totally not a reality TV watcher, but I do enjoy watching this one as I used to be a dancer. Oh, not these fancy ballroom dances, but Line Dancing, Texas Two Stepping, Jiving were things I loved to do. My favorite was mixing the Two Step and Jive. One fellow that I danced with a lot went by G.I. Joe (I forget now what his real name was, haven't seen him in years), and he and I always did Jive moves while Two Stepping to country music... and we most loved dancing to the faster songs. No wonder I was really slim & tiny back then. We both wore our keys clipped to our belt loops on our jeans, and were known to be teased about that because as we were moving and spinning at high speeds the keys literally stuck straight out rather than hanging down; people wondered why they never tangled, one night the DJ even commented about it over the mic. Good memories of good times now gone.

Tonight I noticed that, during their Jive, Sabrina was not only wearing a beautiful outfit of purple and silver, but on her lapel she has 2 big purple paw prints. Purple Paws are the logo of The Animal Rescue Site. I was very happy to see this! Notice the purple button near the top of my sidebar?? Please go click on it. Simply by visiting the site and clicking on the button there, you can be instrumental in feeding animals in shelters. Then you can feed humans, generate free mammograms, books for literacy, save rain forest, health care for needy children. How great is that!!

It is very sad that Jane Seymour's Mom died this past week. My heart goes out to Jane. I know it is very hard for her to 'keep it together' and continue with Dancing With The Stars just now and I greatly admire her for her strength. I've always loved her as an actress. She and her partner danced a fantastic tango tonight.

I also enjoyed watching Corner Gas this evening. I haven't seen this funny show for some time as it's usually across from other things I watch.


1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

A fellow dance lover! Wooooo!

Wasn't Ms Jane marvelous this past Monday?