Saturday, September 15, 2007

Real Estate Here and There

I tend to get "itchy feet" as they call it, and want to sell my home to move somewhere else... just because I've lived in this home so long. I think the longest I've ever lived in one place before was the farm we had near Smithers, BC. That was my first home as a newborn baby and I was 11 years old when we moved. I bought this place in September 1990 and moved in October 5th, so 17 years ago now. Scary.

I often look at local real estate ads on the internet, and sometimes even ads from around the province. Today I looked at Wilmington NC real estate, and no... I'm not thinking about moving there, though one of my nephews and his son recently moved to Mississippi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm like you - I look at the MLS site all the time!

Have you seen the houses you can buy in PEI for a fraction of the price in our neck of the woods??? It'll amaze you!