Sunday, September 09, 2007

Manic Monday - Clue

Hello and welcome to Manic Monday.
The word Mo (It's A Blog Eat Blog World) chose for us to post about is clue.

Clue for You?

Some days I feel blue
Cuz I don’t have a clue
How about you?

I asked old Stu
“How do you do?”
He had no clue.

The gorilla named Chu,
He had not a clue,
Caged up in a zoo.

Pick one or two
Which works best for you?
Do you have a clue?

When asked, Molly Chew
Simply said “Moooo”,
And gave me no clue.

What would you do
If a bird flew
Away with your clue?

Tell me have you
Had enough of this foo?
No more talk about clue!

Enjoy your Manic Monday!

Learn more about Manic Monday here.


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!! Awesome CLUE post :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Did you write that? I love it. Happy MM!!

Durward Discussion said...

That was a great giggle, good post.

Anonymous said...

Great poem...You're funny!

Sandee said...

Cool, you have clue in every verse too. Very well done. Have a great MM. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

great post!! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

Very creative poem!

My Manic Monday post is up & running!

peace, Villager

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! I had no clue that you are so talented in creating a poeme without a clue !

Anonymous said...

great poem.

Ian said...

Equal parts Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss! Yay!


Sophia said...


Very cute!

Mo and The Purries said...

You had me chuckling with "a gorilla named Chu" and "had enough of this foo?"


Lisa Ryan said...

witty and cute post Imma! Happy MM.

Stine said...

Hahaha - great poem!

Unknown said...

Awesome, Alice! I love your cute poem.

Do you think you have a clue where we´ll be living soon? ♥

Jenny McB said...

Have no clue
of what to do...So I will just say, very creative and fun to read.

Travis Cody said...

Heehee!! I like that!