Thursday, September 20, 2007

Good Day Today

Well, I had a great day today. After a few days of being sick I felt a lot better today so was able to get out of the house and run some important errands.

The local food bank usually has too much bread, or bread that is outdated, so they give it away to anyone that will take it for their chickens, pigs or whatever. They also often give me fresh bread for myself, and often the chicken bread is still plenty fresh for human use as it's often not yet outdated, just over stocked. Any that isn't taken goes into the garbage bins. So today I went and got a load of bread for the chooks and myself. Then I went across the street and got a bag of chicken all natural layer pellets. I was completely out of both the above.

I then went to my chiropractor's office and picked up the letter he'd written to the gym I was going to. It basically outlined some of the issues I have with my back and that I've been experiencing pain after working out, so he's asked me to stop doing it. Unfortunately, they will still be taking another payment out of my bank account as it comes out on the 21st and it takes minimum 5 business days for the paper work to go through and stop it. I'm not impressed with that, but at least it will be the last one. I plan to go to the Recreation Centre instead and "work out" in the pool. They also have a gym, not as good as the one I was going to, but not bad, so I can work out in there if I really want to, at least on some of the machines if they don't bother my back. The pool will be the best part for my back, and good exercise for my entire body. I'm not a swimmer, but can still walk around and use a "kick board" so I can kick around the pool some.
After picking up the letter I went to my friend/hair dresser, Harold, and got a much needed hair cut. It's great to have it all trimmed up properly. Not only does it feel better, but looks better too. With some length and weight off of it, the natural curl comes out so much better. I was there awhile as I never get out without a visit too.

Next was the water depot to refill my big jug with reverse osmosis water. I was totally out of that too. I've been working at getting my water intake up to where it should be but yesterday and today that got blown totally because of running out. Oh well, back to it tomorrow.

Then it was up to a pet store for budgie food. I wasn't totally out of this, but way too close to that for comfort. Then I went to the Superstore and dropped off the letter upstairs at the Goodlife Fitness for women (the gym... see above, haha). While there I bought a bag of cat food and a bag of peanuts in the shell. I was totally out of both of these too, so Shadow (cat) was a bit worried, haha... and so were the chinchillas. Every night before bed I give Reba a big doggy cookie, Grace Hawk (rabbit) a couple little carrots, and the chichillas each a half a peanut-in-its-shell. Shadow always used to get milk as his bed time snack, but lately (after over 16 years of having to have his milk) he just quit drinking it. Weird. So now he doesn't get a snack unless I have had tuna or salmon in a can, then I give him the water out of the can and he loves that.

After getting home and unloading most of the "stuff" I brought home (loads of bread in the back of the truck yet) I fed/watered the chickens, then came in and wrote two ads for PayU2Blog. With them you have to accept every ad they send you, so it can be a bit of a challenge to write about things that don't play a part in my life. Oh well, I guess maybe it's good to stretch to the challenges rather than always doing easy things. Any of you that know me will know which ones touch parts of my life and which ones I have to stretch to write, haha.

Now it's already 1:20am and I'd better get my butt to bed... but of course not until I feed Shadow and the birds and make sure all the other fur balls have their snacks as well as enough food and water. Pampered pets... lol. Gotta love them.

Wishing you all an awesome day!!

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

That made me tired just reading it!