Saturday, August 04, 2007

Over the Past Week

I've been rather busy over the past week, but have gotten a fair amount accomplished. Last Saturday Norm helped me to get home two tonnes of pellets for my winter heat. I usually bring home half a ton at a time in my little truck, but this time we took my utility trailer out and dumped the garbage at the dump (land fill) on our way. Most of it was very wet, so it cost me $10 "tipping fee" even though there really wasn't all that much there.

After the dump we went to Armstrong Pellet and got half a ton of pellets into the truck and half a ton into the trailer. The guy that works there and Norm put 25 bags (half a ton) into the trailer by hand, then the guy put the other half ton into the truck with the fork lift. We drove to my place and together unloaded the trailer, then moved it down to the lower part of my yard and unhooked it. I then backed the truck back up the hill to the carport and we unloaded that. We had a rest and a sandwich, then headed back to Armstrong after hooking up the trailer again. This time Norm and I had to load the truck and trailer by hand, then bring it home and start unloading again. After we unloaded the trailer this time, Norm unhooked it from the truck, grabbed the trailer by it's side and lifted it up, flopping it over on it's other side. He then went to work rewiring it. I had paid someone to do this some time ago, but they had not done it right at all and I've had many problems with it. Norm did a very good and professional looking job of wiring it, even built brackets to hold the new lights in where we took the old lights out of. I am so happy with this wiring job. Then we hooked the trailer up again to take it down below and park it, then I brought the truck up again and we unloaded the last half ton of pellets for that day. After feeding us some supper I drove Norm back to town and dropped him off.

Sunday I was of course in church. I forget now what I did that afternoon, but I know I did something, haha. Monday I hooked the trailer up again and went back to Armstrong for another load. I had the tires checked and air topped up on my way, and found out that the max load on the trailer is supposed to be 600 pounds, according to what's written on the tires. So I guess a half ton (1000 pounds) is as a bit over loaded. When I went to get my load of pellets I had the guy load 30 bags into the truck and only 20 into the trailer. If I'm going to be overloaded it best to do so on the truck rather than the trailer with those little tires. Mom met me there in her car, so I left the truck/trailer there and drove Mom's car to Vernon. We dropped off her film for developing and went for a wonderful lunch. Then we went for a nice drive around the coldstream area, looking at houses. Later it was back to pick up the photos then drive back to the pellet place. After saying our goodbyes I got into my truck and drove home. That evening Dan came over and helped me unload all those pellets. I had just under half a ton left over from last year, so now have that plus the new 3 tonnes, so should be fine for a warm, cozy winter. I didn't worry about going to the gym to work out this past week, between moving all those 40 pound bags of pellets, and a few trips to the dog park, I figured I did enough... and my body hurt.

On top of this, I've had lots of other things on the go, so didn't get my homework done for the prosperity class I'm taking... in fact, I forgot all about doing it. On Wednesday, I did as much reading from the book as possible, but no where near enough. I hated to have to admit I didn't do it. So I am working on it this week. I have lot of catching up to do from last week as well as all this week's work. It's a very intense course, but really fantastic, based on the book "The Energy of Money: A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment" by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.


Travis Cody said...

I'm not even going to ask how cold it's going to get that you would need 3 tons of fuel! Yikes!

Seems odd to start planning for cold weather in July/Aug, but I'll bet it's a good feeling to have at least that part of it done.

Anonymous said...

Hi Travis - I don't think it gets much if any colder here than it does in Washington state... but I use pellets instead of gas or electricity. In the end it cost me a lot less this way, about half I'd say. Pellets are on sale during June & July, so that's why I get them during the hot weather, lol. I'm sure it does seem odd, but now you know about the sale, I'm sure that clears it up. :o)