Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday 13

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!

Thirteen things about ME:
1- When I was born, Dad said "Alice Olive", Mom said "no kid of mine will ever me named Olive!" Thank you Mom.
2- I'm the 5th of 6 children (one died young so I've been the 4th of 5)
3- I got married when I was 17
4- I left my husband when I was 20
5- I got divorced when I was 21
6- I've never remarried though I lived common law for about 22 months
7- I used to go to the bars/night clubs 5-6 nights a week, but not to drink, just to be with people and dance.
8- I loved dancing, but thanks to back problems haven't done so in years now
9- I live with a bunch of animals
10- I love country music
11- I want a cowboy to come into my life and love me (a wonderful man, of course)
12- I started a prosperity course tonight that will run for six weeks on Wednesdays
13- I'm currently in a bar with a friend being a computer nerd instead of the "dancing babe" I used to be. If you'd told me then that I'd sit in a bar and do things on my laptop computer I wouldn't have believed you, in fact would likely have laughed at you.

Happy Thursday 13 to everyone. I look forward to reading your Fabulous Feedbacks!!!


Gattina said...

Nice to know a little more about you ! I suppose from marriages you have enough by now. Getting married too soon doesn't last very often. And sitting in a bar with a laptop is also something special, lol ! I do it with my drawing pad !

clairesgarden said...

computers instead of dancing is just a sign of us maturing into even more faulously beautiful people!!

Suprina said...

It's nice getting to know the people that I read about...
I like Country Music as well.

Great TT!

Anonymous said...

Computers vs dancing is a change many of us have made... It can be weird, but it's like letting your soul dance in another way ;)

Happy TT!

The Rock Chick said...

I agree. Olive is a terrible name :)

I love to dance! I'm 41 and never outgrew that. I just find it so relaxing!!!

I have a special TT this week about Blogfest 2007 where I will be blogging for 24 hours straight to benefit VH1 Save The Music Foundation. Hope you can stop by today and Saturday! Happy TT!
Jessica The Rock Chick

Anonymous said...

A cowboy, eh? Better put down the laptop and start dancing again!

Anonymous said...

Whew! I'm so glad you're not an olive. :)

Susan Demeter said...

Your Mom is a wise woman! Happy TT and thanks for stopping by!

Sandee said...

That was great. I see you around all the time, but didn't really know much about you. I do some now. Good luck with the cowboy too. :)

JHS said...

Bahahahaha . . . I hear you on the laptop in the bar part.

I used to be a disco mama, then a dancin' queen. Now I stay home with BigBob, the old fart. Be careful what you wish for! :-)

Travis Cody said...

If you had been named Alice Olive we could have called you Ally Olly!

Sorry - that's just me being silly.

Happy TT!

Norma said...

I see your interests like mine have changed over the years.