Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday 13 - #4

More Thursday Thirteen participants.

Thirteen things I did at the gym yesterday (still today as I type this, but yesterday to those reading it).

After I did a 3 minute warm up on the treadmill ( incline 3.5/speed 3.5) I did the following machines:
1- Abdominal: 90# x 10 reps
2- Arm - Triceps: 65# x 12 reps
3- Arm - Biceps: 65# x 10 reps
4- Chest Press: 70# x 10 reps
5- Seated Row: 80# x 12 reps
6- Hip Abduction: 165# x 8 reps
7- Hip Adduction: 165# x 8 reps
8- Seated Leg Press: 135# x 12 reps
9- Leg Curl: 100# x 12 reps
10- Leg Extension: 65# x 10 reps
11- Low Back: 145# x 10 reps

12- Because I have problems with my arms, the deltoid machines caused me a lot of pain, so now I am doing elbow lifts with no weights and at some point, when I'm able to actually do this exercise, I will ad light weights, then progress to heavier ones. The idea is to eventually be able to work on the machines properly. For now, it causes enough pain just to do them with no weights. I can't lift my arms up the way they need to be.

13-I followed all this by: Stretches

Then I did 35 minutes on the elliptical machine (*5 minutes @ level 5 + 5 minutes @ level 10* repeat *to* 3 times + 5 minute cool down = 35 minutes and only burned 311 calories with this, geez). I just upped this today as I've been doing it for awhile now at levels 4 & 8.

Okay... I can count. I gave you more than 13. You got 2 Bonus items, the treadmill and the elliptical. Well, I couldn't tell you about my work out without including these, haha. In case you're wondering why it's only one set of reps on each machine, it's done this way to build long, lean muscle rather than bulking up.

If you have a Thursday 13 post, leave a link to your blog on Mr. Linky.
Everyone please feel free to leave some Fabulous Feedback for me to enjoy reading.


Emmyrose said...

Sounds tiring :)

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

nice list of exercises -- I sooooo need to do more

Jeremy Lowe said...

I envy the energy. Accidents have limited me to some barbells and treadmill, but I still do not have a good schedule.

All things considered I am in good shap if round is still a shape...

pussreboots said...

Good job and happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I sooo need to do more exercising! Great list, and happy TT!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I went to Curves today. I haven't been the rest of the week, though...shame on me!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks for dropping by and happy TT.

Unknown said...

Good for you. That's what I should have done today!

PuppyDog Tales said...

hi, thanks for visiting.
very good TT... this remindes me I also need to go exercise more...

Travis Cody said...

Excellent work. My stretching is going well. I can feel things loosening up. My trainer thinks I might be able to go back to weights in another month or so.

Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and WOW what a workout!!!! I don't really know what all those #'s mean, but WOW! I just started working out myself (I'm so out of shape!) and my "reps" are still in the tens or teens!

Keep up the amazing work(out)!!!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice job at the gym! :) My mom is a certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer, and she says you can't trust the calorie readouts on the machines, if that's what you are using, since they usually don't ask you for age, gender, height, weight, etc. A heart rate monitor calibrated with your personal details would help you measure the calories burned more accurately.

If you want some ideas for some shoulder exercises that you can try (that might not bother your arms as much) let me know, and my mom can give you some links. :)