Monday, July 23, 2007

Strange Weather

We're having such odd weather this year. Cold to hot, then back to cold... back to hot, then cool and raining. Setting or coming really close to new record hot weather to setting or coming really close to amount of rain in July or number of days of rain in July. Today it was fairly warm, blue sky with clouds, and the sweat was running off me as I sat here working on my laptop. Now it's raining and there's thunder. I put Reba into the back of the truck then had to come back inside to get my stuff, and to dry off because as Reba jumped into the truck she gave me a shower with her water bucket. Now she's still out there and barking, not happy with rain and thunder. She sure won't be happy if I go bring her inside without going anywhere. Poor puppy, lol. I don't want to leave her sitting in the back of the truck in this weather, so she'll have to come back into the house or her run where she has a dog house. I'm off to town, should have gone sooner, but have been busy on this computer.

7:10pm - Well, I changed out of my wet clothes from my "shower". I had thought I could still wear the as they weren't all that wet, but after awhile they got uncomfortable and cold. All dressed up to go to a Toastmasters get together in town, I brought Reba inside and we both had a little something to eat. With the heavy rain and the thunder/lightning, I decided I didn't want to go to town this evening. I didn't want to miss tea/coffee with the toastmasters, but oh well. I'll go next time I'm sure. The official meetings are off for the summer, but the gang is still getting together once in a while. I think that's cool.

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

We've had rain the last couple days too. It was muggy today when it wasn't raining. But then when the clouds let go it cooled off a bit.