Friday, July 27, 2007

Photo Hunters

Today’s word/theme for Photo Hunters is creative.
For today's hunt I chose to show you a few photos of what I do. Remember that the name of my blog is I Was Born2cree8... creative Iz me, lol. I have done many crafts over the years, and for a few years now I've been spinning and weaving.

This is me sitting on my (now late) Uncle Johnnie's lawn in Smithers, BC. This was in August 2003. I was there for a family reunion and my Mom's 80th birthday.

Some wool I processed from the raw fleece, then spun & dyed in 2005
I've used my hand spun yarn as the weft in several woven scarves and for knitting and felting some hats.

The table runner in the 2 photos above is the one I wove for my sister, Marcy. Both warp and weft are a commercial yarn called Orlec. I love weaving with it as it's got a nice shininess to it that brightens up the finished product, in my opinion. I won first place with this table runner at the Salmon Arm Fair in September 2006

I made this table runner for my Mom for Christmas 2006. It's a slightly different weave than the one for Marcy. This is my table it's on here. Mom has it on a wooden table and it looks much better

This table runner is very wrinkled up, having been in my suitcase for awhile. It would look gross on my table, so I took it to put on sister Anne's table before giving it to brother Terry and Alana for their wedding gift in May 2007

Another Christmas 2006 gift, I made this out of "recycled" materials. I cut up old clothes, lol. I stuffed it with sheep fleece that is not of a good enough quality to spin, but I don't like to throw it away. The rest of that fleece is going into a doggy cushion for Reba.

Plum jam that I made last year. Last September, as well as the woven table runner, I entered a jar of plum jam, a jar of plum jelly, and some photographs. I took Honorable Mention with one of the photos, nothing with the plum jelly, and First Place with the Plum Jam.

For more of how I made the table runners, and more about the Salmon Arm Fair last year, as well as more on my various creative pursuits in the last few years - check out my Fibre Arts label on this blog, or go to my old blog Born2cree8 (link in sidebar at bottom of Labels)

Happy Photo Hunting. Thank you for coming to visit and for leaving me your
Fabulous Feedbacks!


Anonymous said...

Those are really amazing. I haven't tried my hand at that art. I also have dabbled in just about every craft there is, and have enjoyed all of them. Some more than others, but had fun doing them. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

RUTH said...

Thanks for sharing your creations.Excetional work especially spinning and dyeing your own wool. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I fully agree with your comment :o)

Anonymous said...

First one!

Well there is no doubt then that you're creative! And not just in one way. I just wish I had an ounce of creativity. Congratulations on all your awards.

Unknown said...

Beautiful blog and and items! I found your blog after you left a comment at my hubbys (

BTW, it is a rule that you use a pic you have taken but he is not at home and needed to participate so he didnt get kicked off the blogroll! I think its still a pretty pick! He's had a rough wee!

ANyway, I will be back to read your blog later//Hope you stop by hubbys again as he is an awesome photographer

Lynn said...

It's a pleasure to receive gifts personally done by the giver. I'm sure you've made the recipients of your wonderful creations really happy. :)

Anonymous said...

I especially like the pink table runner. Very pretty! And the pillow too!

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely amazing!!! I'm stunned by such talents...crafty and oh so creative!!

[just wanted to let you know that I've added your two blogs to the Blogger Over 50 blogroll!! - you may have to click refresh on your browser ]

Happy weekend.

CRIZ LAI said...

That’s real creative of you to come out wit such a lovely table runner. Real fine work too. Happy Weekend!

Daisy said...

Those are so pretty. You are not just creative, but really talented, too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are very talented and creative! :) I love the colours of the wool you made, and the table runners look wonderful!

Paulie said...

Interesting and creative things you do . . . I have no talent for either one.

Come see my photos for this theme.

Ginabee said...

Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

HartofDixie said...

How cool! Very nice stuff you got.
Love your creativity!

Gattina said...

No doubt ! you are very creative ! The table runners are very nice !

Anonymous said...

wow, I would love to learn how to spin and weave!! You are very talented and do beautiful work!!

jmb said...

Weaving is a wonderful creative endeavour. It's one I've never tried and I've done a lot of crafts too. I love the wool you spun and dyed.
Thanks for visiting.

Andree said...

You cook too?? You're amazing. You must get great feelings of accomplishment from these things.

Anonymous said...

Weaving seems easy when watching people do it. It takes a lot of creativity to be able to come up with good designs.

Btw, I think the plum jam tops it all, :D

Have a great weekend! :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - that is furry nice stuff you make there! We would espeshully like to play wif yer yarn! fanks fer visitin' us!

P.S. - regardin' da TT roolz...we is cats...we don't follow roolz. ;) said...

You must have really spend time doing those

Miz said...

Marcy's table runner is fantastic! You do such nice work.

eph2810 said...

Wow - you are very creative. Spinning your own yarn is really cool. The table-runners are beautiful. And home-made jam - yummy!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful gifts!

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Anonymous said...

The table runner is beautiful with the intricate design.

Anonymous said...

Clever clogs!

Happy Sunday.

Unknown said...

wow - what talent and creativity. I love everything you have made, and it's so beautiful!

And yes all pics on my blog are taken by me. ;-) IT was a painted flag.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are a very creative lady!
I'm not such a good one, except for my animals :)

Happy Sunday!

Teena in Toronto said...

You definitely live up to you handle :)

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

You're one creative lady! :)
Thanks for sharing your talents.

Anonymous said...

wow, you are very talented!! Love the table runners!

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are beautiful things. I think you are really creative and talented. I'm sure it takes skill, patience and creativity to finish one project. Keep up the good work.

Those jams look good and I like the way you packaged them.

Thanks for the visit.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

so sorry to be late, these are lovely, just lovely!!!

smiles, bee