Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Natural Weed Killing in my yard

For some time now I've been meaning to try out a natural weed killer around this yard of mine. The place is a mess, including 2 or 3 kinds of thistles and some burdock. Yesterday or the day before I finally mixed us some that I wanted to try. In a spray bottle, about 1 liter or 1 quart, I put a few drops of dish washing liquid then filled it up with plain old white vinegar. I sprayed this onto some of the thistles and burdocks. This evening I took a look and sure enough, they appear to be dying. I didn't want to use chemicals so am happy that this works as these things are impossible to get rid of without poisoning them, and if you don't get rid of them they spread terribly. If you don't remove them from your property you can be fined, or they can come and remove them and send you a bill you have to pay. I still want to try out a mixture of vinegar and salt too. My hand gets very tired and sore pumping that handle thing to spray this poison onto the plants, but well worth doing it a bit at a time and getting rid of hoards of these plant pests. A couple years ago there were none of them here, last year there were a few and this year they're all over the place. The war begins.


Anonymous said...

Works like a hot damn doesn't it!

I add salt as well, and you're right - you can see them starting to dye in a few hours!

No way am I spraying any kind of chemicals with my dear sweet Mattie around! :-)

Travis Cody said...

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about weeds and yardwork.