Sunday, July 29, 2007

Manic Monday - Miss

The time flies by so quickly and it's hard to comprehend that it is already time for another
The theme Mo (It's A Blog Eat Blog World) chose for this week is miss.

Don't Miss Me

Don't call me Mrs
for I am not married
Just because I'm "of an age"
Doesn't mean I need a Mr.

Don't call me Miss
for I've missed not much
What I haven't done has been
Wise choices on my part.

Can you call me Ms?
well, if you really must
Though if you insist on using a title
I'd rather you just say "Your Majesty".

Not one of my best poems, but considering that I'm in the middle of multi tasking it will have to do, hahaha.

I wish you all a wonderful Manic Monday!!! I look forward to reading your Fabulous Feedback!!


Janna said...

Cute poem, your majesty! :)
Thanks for doing Manic Monday!

Gattina said...

Haha, I will call you Imma ! Your majesty is too long !

Anonymous said...

I think it's not a bad poem at all. It's hard to Miss the point of it.

Good one.

Later Y'all

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

You Majesty works for me :)

Durward Discussion said...

Mz Goddess ... not being half of a pair doesn't mean you are lonely.

Madcap said...

Mornin', yer Magister!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be called Your Majesty. All those other salutations make me feel OLD!!

Sandee said...

Works for me just fine. Excellent job Your Majesty. Have a great MM too. :)

Mo and The Purries said...

Your Majesty.
Love it -- MUCH better than "miss",
as my kitty Spooker would whole-heartedly agree!

Linda said...

I believe that I would prefer "your majesty" also - it's so much more dignified!

Unknown said...

I love the poem, "Your Majesty"!

Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh...that's cute! I loke that one.
You need to add Your Majesty to your a/k/a's over on your sidebar.

Mary said...

Heehee! I loved it! Happy MM:D

Travis Cody said...

Not bad for off the cuff while you're multi-tasking. It made me smile!

Happy MM Your Majesty!

Sarge Charlie said...

Very nice, thanks for stopping by my place.......

Anonymous said...

Love it! :-D)

Marilyn said...

I prefer Evil Genuis. Mwahahahaha!