Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Lesson Learned

This evening I got an email that my post on Gothic Dating had been rejected by PPP as I'd missed putting the tracker link in to it. No problem, just fix it and resubmit it. Well, except that I somehow managed to click on the wrong link and I deleted my op. I was not happy with self! I later on, just minutes ago now, noticed that the op was back on the board. I took it, added the missing link, and reposted under todays date. It cost me a new op for today, but I will be away most of the day anyway, so likely won't have much if any time to "work".

I learned a lesson. From now on I will be paying much more attention to what I click on when doing these kind of things.

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

You'll get the hang of it.