Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Clutter’s Reflections

Many times, at my Spiritual Centre and other places as well as in books, I’ve been told that our outer experiences are a reflection of what’s going on inside of us. Of course, we know what is going on in our conscious mind, that’s easy… if we pay attention to what we are thinking about. But what about the subconscious mind? Of course we can’t know what is going on in our subconscious mind except by looking at what is happening in our lives.

My home, when I was younger, was always clean and mostly neat and tidy. Oh, there were little spots of clutter at times, but for the most part it was pretty good. I was always proud to have company come visit me at my home. Now? Well, not so good. Over the years my home has gotten cluttered and messy as well as progressively dirty. I have worked at different times to over come this, and have gotten my home neat, tidy and clean, or at least parts of it, but have never been able to maintain that. It seems like I blink and POOF, it’s all cluttered and dirty again. I’m ashamed and embarrassed to have company over now. I know what it’s like to visit someone whose home is like this. Back when my home was good I had a friend or two who’s homes were like mine is now, and I was almost scared to sit down, especially in the bathroom.

The other day, I realized that this is a reflection of my subconscious mind. What a mess it must be in there. Not only must I have a lot of confused thoughts, beliefs and experiences stored in there, but I must have a dirty mind. There’s a lot of good, useful stuff in there, as well as a lot of out dated, broken, useless stuff… also fur, feathers and, well, shit. (At least in my home that’s dried little chinchilla and rabbit poops, nothing scary).

It’s no wonder I forget so many things. All too often when I want something I know is around here somewhere, I can’t find it in amongst the clutter and junk in my home, and I must be having trouble finding memories lost in the junk of my mind. Confusion and clutter could be the reason I am so often late for things I so much want to be on time for. I sometimes say or do “inappropriate” things that I thought would be funny, or did I think? Expressing cluttered, messed up thoughts? Maybe.

When I clean and tidy my home and it doesn’t stay that way, this must be that I can’t maintain an “outer” that is inconsistent of the “inner”. To clean my home and keep it like that I must first clean up my subconscious mind and maintain it, then the house will automatically follow suit. My home can’t be cluttered, messy & dirty if the subconscious mind is neat, tidy & clean, as the home can’t be clean, tidy and neat unless the subconscious mind is too.

Now that I see this, I know that I have to do the inner work first to get the outer experience I want. So how do I do this inner work? Yet another thing for me to learn… sigh. The first step is knowing you have the problem, the second step is understanding what is causing it, and the third step is… the third step is… Well, at least I’ve gotten the first 2 steps down now, and I know I will now find the answer to what the 3rd step is to be. For some time now I’ve felt that my mind just isn’t working right (could be due to Fibromyalgia) and that fits in well with what I am figuring out now.

One thing that is good and may be part of the 3rd step is drinking water. I’ve been drinking a lot more than I used to, though maybe not enough yet. I will continue to work on this… and beyond this, drinking water is another story for another day.

Above images are from Google Images.


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