Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Woofless Wednesday

Check out the Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

Hello to all.

I absolutely must go get some sleep now, but when I wake up I plan to do a post about the 2 upcoming fall fairs in my area. I want & need everyones help to select photos to enter in the fairs. Please look at these and go to Pictures to see more that I have posted on my blog.... then let me know which you like best. I will tell you, when I wake up, what categories I plan to enter, so please come back to have a look. Thanks.

In the meantime.... please leave a comment (Fabulous Feedback), and if you have a Wordless Wednesday post up, leave a link to it with Mr. Linky.

Happy Wordless Wednesday to all.


Anonymous said...

beautiful shots!!

Gattina said...

I like the cow's artwork of the last picture !

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are some beautiful images! Great job.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Just had a quick look at your pictures, they all look good but I like the 3 cows by the water best.

Unknown said...

I love cows. They always look so calm and tranquil. I wish my Mommie would let my poop sit long enough to see if flowers would grow from it. I am pretty sure it would.

My favorite is the 4th photo!

Shana said...

Nice pictures and funny!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures...The water is so blue in the first two that it looks unreal. Happy WW:)

ICJ said...

Thank you for the peaceful moment... :-)

Happy WW!

Travis Cody said...

That's cool that you're entering some photos.

Zephyr said...

I really like your blog... Blogs!...

One of these days I'll come back and post something alot more intelligent sounding. Today I'm muzzy headed and got a child in the place upstairs running and jumping on my muzzy head. OWIE.... so I'm just not in great shape.