Saturday, June 09, 2007

Photo Hunter #10 - SHOES

Today’s word/theme for Photo Hunters is shoes. Here is my take on this theme.

There’s not much to say about these photos. I like to be “different”, so when everyone else was making dream catchers on metal rings and such I looked around for other things to do the dream catcher webs on and one of the things I found was horse shoes.

This first one is just hanging on an antique dresser

Here is one I made into a plant hanger. I have another one similar to this in the store room. I'm going to have to bring it out and hang another plant in it again :o)

A closer shot of the horse shoe on the plant hanger

Hanging on my living room wall is this horse shoe with a beaded spider on it's web

And a closer shot of the spider in it's web

Edit: After posting the above, I've been surfing around, looking at other people's posts on Photo Hunters. When I was looking at gawilli's post at Back In The Day, it inspired another thought for me... and I just had to take more photos to post, haha.

These are “modern day cowboy boots”, called Horseshoes and are made by Roper. They are for both walking and riding, have a spur shelf for those that ride with spurs (guess I could’ve put my spurs on one pair, haha) and are the most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn. I still have several pairs of my “old cowboy boots” around and may wear them again some day, but haven’t worn them in years now. Still can’t part with them though, haha.

The old pair and the not quite so old pair

Notice the little horseshoes on the end of the toe... they are also on the heal. Doing these photos I realized that these boots could use a cleaning, but hey, I'm a farm gal, you don't really expect my boots to be clean do you?

I wasn't going to post this photo as it's a bit out of focus, but decided to in the end because I wanted you to see the Roper name as well as the spur shelf below. So I'm "weird", haha.One last shot... my boots on my saddles

Please leave me a comment, let me know what you think. If you have a Photo Hunters post up too, leave me a link with Mr. Linky below and I will come see your post.

Peace on Earth - 365 days a year!


jams o donnell said...

What excellent ideas for using horseshoes. Great pics!

Mark said...

Hi, Thanks for the visit, Yours are definately a bit different, just make sure it doesn't fall on your head, then it would be a different sort of dream catcher.

Cheers Mark

Karen said...

Wow! Very creative! I like your interpretation of the theme!

Liz Hinds said...

the horseshoes are a great idea for the theme: first ones I've seen.And what you've done with them is very creative.

Love your boots too. I'm more or a boot than a high-heeled gal.

Anonymous said...

Nice take on the horseshoes. My friend from work gifted me with a shoe from his horse Banner. It has a place of honor in my office.

Are Ropers as comfortable as Nocona's? I will have to check these out!

tapps said...

nice pictures.. all types of shoes . :-D

lissa said...

Those are unique dream catchers. Very creative.

Miz said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my pic.

That is a fab idea for the use of horshoes! Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

Those look so darn comfy :-) Nice saddles too!

I also threw in some old shoes, not mine though :-)

Montserrat said...

I like how you came back to carry the horse'shoe' theme to your boots!

eph2810 said...

I love your takes on this week's photo hunt theme. Especially the different horse-shoe pictures. It is neat what you did with them.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

VERY cool take on the theme. Love the beaded spider! ;-)

jac said...

thanks for visiting my first photo hunt post. i love your idea of the horseshoes for the theme. awesome. the work boots and saddles bring back good memories.
thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Melli said...

No chance of your dreams getting away, huh?

Anonymous said...

After several weeks of viewing you peripherially, youy post today finally clued me in to why you were BORN TO CREATE!!! Very creative post. As the Aussies say, "Good On You, Mate!"

Unknown said...

Those horsehoes look huge. My son is learning to ride... he'll go crazy lookin at this post! :-)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

horse shoes! very interesting...

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

your idea is so creative, a nice and good one...when i looked at the spidey, it reminds me of spiderman...hahaha

Ingrid said...

With all these horse shoes you must be a very lucky person !

GEWELS said...

I need to get me a pair of ropers. I started my riding lessons today (first time I've been on a horse since I was fifteen).
I need the proper attire. Hey, but I didn't fall off of the horse- like I expected- so that's a start.
Thanks for visiting my photohunt.

Anonymous said...

What a creative use for those horseshoes! I didn't read around on your site, but do you sell these? I bet they'd be a hit. I love how you incorporated them into today's Photo Hunters theme!

DigiscrapMom said...

Wow!!! cool photos!

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

love it, verrrry creative :) :) :)
happy hunting,
thanks for droping by to see mine

eastcoastlife said...

Cool! You sure do have great ideas! The horse shoe dreamweaver is a little heavy, I'm afraid it might drop on my head. hehe.....

Janine White said...

Great choice for the week. Very original!

Anonymous said...

Very original photos for the hunt! Your dream catchers are really cool.

YTSL said...

Very nice and original take on the "Shoes" theme. (i.e., haven't seen other horse-shoes, never mind dream catchers on my Photo Hunter tour thus far!) :)

JC said...

Terrific idea for both horseshoes and dreamcatchers! Very original. Comfy boots are a must have, also!

Anonymous said...

Very creative taking horse shoes, I haven't seen any others either :)

Nice one! Really enjoyed going through the many different pictures.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Awesome! I love the horseshoes and the dreamcatchers! Terrific! :)

Anonymous said...

Great take on the theme!

Jenn in Holland said...

Unique and artistic for sure.
I love the modern day cowboy boots as well!

Gran said...

Excellent display of our shoes theme. You are very creative and I bet you are very lucky too. Thanks for visiting me. Have a good weekend.

Cheryl said...

Oh, you really put some thought into this one! Great job sharing these photos with the unique take on the theme.

Anonymous said...

What a great twist on "shoes". I have a couple of horse shoes around that I may just have to turn into dream catchers.

Thanks for your kind comment!

Happy riding!

Anonymous said...

Interesting use of horseshoes! And great "rugged" photos. Sorry I am so late making the rounds - busy weekend!