Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Weightloss Wednesday #2

Click on the banner to find out more about Weightloss Wednesday

Today is one month since I joined the gym and I am still loving it. Having weighted at the gym last week, it will be about 2 more weeks before I weigh again, so I don't have a new weight to report today.

On March 20 my low back was hurting a lot (nothing unusual) and my deltoid muscles were sore from the workouts, so when I went to the gym, instead of doing my usual workout I just did 35 minutes on the recumbent bike and talked to Charlie, one of the trainers.

March 23, after 2 days of agony with my low back and barely able to hobble around, thanks to ice packs and pain pills I made it to the gym for group exercise classes "Better Backs" and "Stretch and Relax". Afterwards my back felt much better!! So feeling better, I decided to do a full workout again, so did 3 minutes warm up on the recumbent bike, my circuit weight machines, then cardio... treadmill for 11 minutes and recumbent bike for 10 minutes.

March 26 I did my usual workout except that they were closing so I only got to do 18 minutes cardio on the treadmill. This was my 12th workout since I joined Feb. 28th. There is a new incentive program at Goodlife Fitness where you get your Personal Fitness Log initialed by a Goodlife Associate at the end of each workout, then after 12 workouts you get a gift. I think I must be the first one to achieve this. When I went to get it signed and get my gift last night, no one there knew what I was supposed to get, so were going to have to ask. I guess I'll find out when I go workout tomorrow (well, later today as it's well after midnight, but I haven't gone to bed yet.)

So, now you are updated on my progress. If you have a Weightloss Wednesday post up leave a link to it on Mr. Linky. Everyone, with or without a WW post, please leave a comment.


Travis Cody said...

Good for you! Glad to see you really sticking with it.

I have to take winters off from my workouts. No one has been able to help me continue through the pain I get when winter sets in. I'll have to really do something about that soon.

But it's almost time to get back to it for the spring, summer, and fall - I can't wait. I'm a wacko - I love to work out!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Travis - thank you so much for you wonderful support. Yes, I sure am sticking with it... so far anyway, haha.

I find summer to be very hard on me as I have a hard time in the heat. During winter I tend to be comfortable without a coat most days, so the heat really zaps me. They do have AC in the gym, so I'm hoping that will "do it" for me so I can continue to work out.

What kind of pain do you have that's so bad in winter, but not other seasons? I sure am glad it is only for one season.

I'm happy for you that you soon will be able to be back working out. It sure feels wonderful, doesn't it. The feeling of strong, exercise muscles is indescribable.

Travis Cody said...

I get back and knee pain from serious football injuries when I was in high school. The worst seasons used to be spring and fall, when the temps would drastically fluctuate.

But living in the pacific northwest, the cold and damp winters are bothering me. When the temps are warmer, it's easier to keep my joints mobile.

Luckily it doesn't get really hot here. So I get a good 8 months worth of working out.