Friday, February 02, 2007

Whew... what a relief!

Late last night (actually, about 2 or 2:30 this morning, before I went to bed) I discovered I had no running water. YIKES it must be frozen. This seemed so strange because I know we've had colder weather and my pipes haven't frozen, but I turned up the furnace and turned the pellet stove down so the furnace could run and pump warm air down under the mobile. This morning, still no water. I phoned my friend Dan to see if there was any way he could help, but he said there was nothing he could do... and he was at work drywalling. Shortly after we hung up, the phone rang and it was Dan calling back. He said some guy at work told him he'd heard on the news that a water main had broken and (hundreds? thousands?) of people had no water. I phoned the water authority and sure enough, it happened in my area so that is why I am out of water. Apparently it affected a very large area and lots have their water back now, but people close to the broken main will be without water until sometime this evening. Oh well, I can do without the water that long now that the worry of frozen and possible broken pipes is no longer an issue.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that I saw on the TV News this evening that 2 large water lines broke in this area in the middle of the night. One near my home and one on the other side of the lake, up the mountain a bit. The one near my place was the first and the biggest and still is not fixed. They said it would be fixed and back on line between 8pm & 12am... it's now almost 12:30am and still no sign of water. I want to go to bed but have to water animals before I can, so am now melting snow on the stove to give to them. In the long run it will likely be better water anyway, even with dirt in it. Oh, and when the water does come back, we have to boil it before using it for cooking or drinking. I never use this gross water for drinking, but do for cooking if I'm running low on drinking water that I buy in town... and also I use the tap water for tea as it will be well boiled before I use it.

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